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421 Testimony for the Church — No. 11, p. 22.1 (Ellen Gould White)

… such work should be avoided, whenever it can be done by others. Ministers have all that they ought to do to preach the word; and after they have urged solemn truth …

422 Testimony for the Church — No. 11, p. 24.1 (Ellen Gould White)

such should be proved and tried. They should not be relieved from all care, neither should they be lifted into responsible positions at once, but should be …

423 Testimony for the Church — No. 12, p. 53.2 (Ellen Gould White)

it, when it was then duty to rely upon their own energies; and had they been favored, it would have been the worst thing that could have been done for them. All through …

424 Testimony for the Church — No. 12, p. 69.3 (Ellen Gould White)

… considerable work to be done to remove the rough edges and prepare them for working order, that all may labor unitedly and draw in even cords. It has hitherto …

425 Testimony for the Church — No. 13, p. 19.1 (Ellen Gould White)

… never should have done, and never would have done but for his fear of his brethren, and a desire to be all right, and to be in union with the church. This led those …

426 Testimony for the Church — No. 13, p. 23.3 (Ellen Gould White)

… the work in which they are engaged which it demands, they should not be further taxed. They have done all they should do. If trafficking which has no connection …

427 Testimony for the Church — No. 14, p. 14.1 (Ellen Gould White)

… , who have all the comforts and conveniences of life, and are able to hire their hard work done, may, with care, rest, by informing themselves, and home practice …

428 Testimony for the Church — No. 14, p. 96.3 (Ellen Gould White)

… see all there is to be seen. It is a great blessing to close the ears, that we hear not, and the eyes, that we see not. The greatest anxiety should be to have clear eyesight …

429 Testimony for the Church — No. 16, p. 43.1 (Ellen Gould White)

… in working in them and by them that wholly follow him, so that it shall be known that it is the Lord, and that their works are wrought in God. “If any man serve me, him …

430 Testimony for the Church — No. 16, p. 53.2 (Ellen Gould White)

… . You have a work to do to set your own heart in order. You should realize that the work must begin with yourself. You have oppressed—you have taken advantage of …

431 Testimony for the Church — No. 16, p. 67.1 (Ellen Gould White)

… would have done a great and good work in this vicinity last spring, had all felt the need of this work, and come up to the help of the Lord. There was not union of …

432 Testimony for the Church — No. 17, p. 24.1 (Ellen Gould White)

… . You have kept your eye out, watching to see if all was right. Some have not felt just satisfied, but have felt an unwillingness in their hearts to have things …

433 Testimony for the Church — No. 17, p. 34.1 (Ellen Gould White)

done this, Christ would have given him good counsel, which, if heeded, would have been of priceless value to him. He would have presented before him in its true …

434 Testimony for the Church — No. 18, p. 12.1 (Ellen Gould White)

… ? You have a work to do first. When you have done all for your children which God has left for you to do, then you can with confidence claim the special help God has …

435 Testimony for the Church — No. 18, p. 77.1 (Ellen Gould White)

… the work of reform in your own family. All repining, murmuring, and a hasty irritability, should be done with. Its effects are to weaken you both, and to destroy …

436 Testimony for the Church — No. 18, p. 195.1 (Ellen Gould White)

… others have done so. Every one should live for themselves. The minds of all who are renewed by grace will be an open medium, continually receiving light, grace …

437 Testimony for the Church — No. 19, p. 4.1 (Ellen Gould White)

… to have done with their idleness. It is a continual curse to them. God requires of them to make every moment fruitful of some good to themselves or to others …

438 Testimony for the Church — No. 20, p. 39.1 (Ellen Gould White)

… . Nothing should be cooked, or taken to the camp-meeting, unless it be the most healthful articles, cooked in a simple manner, free from all spices and grease.

439 Testimony for the Church — No. 20, p. 69.2 (Ellen Gould White)

… the work of God can prosper in your hands. Your home, farm cares have occupied your mind. You have not given yourself to the work. You have made an excuse for your …

440 Testimony for the Church — No. 20, p. 76.1 (Ellen Gould White)

… you have made your children an excuse to detain you at home, you have not done the work for which you plead your stay at home. You have not disciplined your children …