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4321 World English Bible — Isaiah 1:28
28 But the destruction of transgressors and sinners shall be together, and those who forsake Yahweh shall be consumed.
4322 World English Bible — Isaiah 2:2
2 It shall happen in the latter days, that the mountain of Yahweh's house shall be established on the top of the mountains, and shall be raised above the hills; and all nations shall flow to it.
4323 World English Bible — Isaiah 2:3
… of Yahweh, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of Yahweh …
4324 World English Bible — Isaiah 2:5
5 House of Jacob, come, and let us walk in the light of Yahweh.
4325 World English Bible — Isaiah 2:10
10 Enter into the rock, and hide in the dust, from before the terror of Yahweh, and from the glory of his majesty.
4326 World English Bible — Isaiah 2:11
11 The lofty looks of man shall be brought low, and the haughtiness of men shall be bowed down, and Yahweh alone shall be exalted in that day.
4327 World English Bible — Isaiah 2:12
12 For there shall be a day of Yahweh of Hosts on all that is proud and haughty, and on all that is lifted up; and it shall be brought low;
4328 World English Bible — Isaiah 2:17
17 The loftiness of man shall be bowed down, and the haughtiness of men shall be brought low; and Yahweh alone shall be exalted in that day.
4329 World English Bible — Isaiah 2:19
19 Men shall go into the caves of the rocks, and into the holes of the earth, from before the terror of Yahweh, and from the glory of his majesty, when he arises to shake mightily the earth.
4330 World English Bible — Isaiah 2:21
21 to go into the caverns of the rocks, and into the clefts of the ragged rocks, from before the terror of Yahweh, and from the glory of his majesty, when he arises to shake mightily the earth.
4331 World English Bible — Isaiah 3:1
1 For, behold, the Lord, Yahweh of Hosts, does take away from Jerusalem and from Judah stay and staff, the whole stay of bread, and the whole stay of water;
4332 World English Bible — Isaiah 3:8
8 For Jerusalem is ruined, and Judah is fallen; because their tongue and their doings are against Yahweh, to provoke the eyes of his glory.
4333 World English Bible — Isaiah 3:13
13 Yahweh stands up to contend, and stands to judge the peoples.
4334 World English Bible — Isaiah 3:14
14 Yahweh will enter into judgment with the elders of his people, and the princes of it: It is you who have eaten up the vineyard; the spoil of the poor is in your houses:
4335 World English Bible — Isaiah 3:15
15 what do you mean that you crush my people, and grind the face of the poor? says the Lord, Yahweh of Hosts.
4336 World English Bible — Isaiah 3:16
16 Moreover Yahweh said, Because the daughters of Zion are haughty, and walk with outstretched necks and wanton eyes, walking and mincing as they go, and making a tinkling with their feet;
4337 World English Bible — Isaiah 3:17
17 therefore the Lord will strike with a scab the crown of the head of the daughters of Zion, and Yahweh will lay bare their secret parts.
4338 World English Bible — Isaiah 4:2
2 In that day shall the branch of Yahweh be beautiful and glorious, and the fruit of the land shall be excellent and comely for those who are escaped of Israel.
4339 World English Bible — Isaiah 4:5
5 Yahweh will create over the whole habitation of Mount Zion, and over her assemblies, a cloud and smoke by day, and the shining of a flaming fire by night; for over all the glory [shall be spread] a covering.
4340 World English Bible — Isaiah 5:7
7 For the vineyard of Yahweh of Hosts is the house of Israel, and the men of Judah his pleasant plant: and he looked for justice, but, behold, oppression; for righteousness, but, behold, a cry.