Search for: pastor

4221 Founders of the Message, p. 28.3 (Everett Newfon Dick)

… the pastor of a neighboring town, inviting him to speak in his church. This minister had not learned of Mr. Miller’s experience at Dresden. From there he went …

4222 Founders of the Message, p. 37.2 (Everett Newfon Dick)

… local pastors of the various denominations, for the preaching was accompanied by revivals; but when the message began to spread in earnest and to cause wide …

4223 Founders of the Message, p. 69.2 (Everett Newfon Dick)

… their pastor. From a little handful numbering less than fifty, this congregation grew under the leadership of the youthful pastor until the Chardon Street …

4224 Founders of the Message, p. 257.2 (Everett Newfon Dick)

… the pastor of the church in which he was preaching rise on the second evening at the close of the discourse and announce to a crowded house that the meeting …

4225 Facts of Faith, p. 32.1 (Christian Edwardson)

As long as these men domineered over the Old Testament, most of the Christian teachers remained silent. But the work did not stop there. The Lutheran Pastor Storjolian of Oslo, Norway, says of Wellhausen:

4226 Facts of Faith, p. 120.4 (Christian Edwardson)

Henri Arnaud, a leading pastor among the Waldenses, says:

4227 Facts of Faith, p. 121.2 (Christian Edwardson)

Henri Arnaud, a Waldensian pastor, says of their origin:

4228 Facts of Faith, p. 124.4 (Christian Edwardson)

“Of one of their pastors who preached in Albegeois, named Arnold Hot, they were called Arnoldists....

4229 Facts of Faith

… a pastor who confessed to having maintained illicit relations with no less than two hundred nuns confided to his spiritual charge.” — “An Historical Sketch …

4230 Facts of Faith, p. 161.5 (Christian Edwardson)

… the pastors, who drew their flocks with them into the abyss of sin. The Lutheran heresy had been provoked by their own guilt, and its suppression was only to …

4231 Facts of Faith, p. 176.1 (Christian Edwardson)

… effect. Pastor M. A. Sommer began observing the seventh day, and wrote in his church paper, Indovet Kristendom, No. 5, 1875, an impressive article about the true …

4232 Facts of Faith, p. 182.2 (Christian Edwardson)

Pastor A. C. Preus, in an article in Kirkelig Maanedstidende [Monthly Church Tidings], of August, 1855, endeavored to quiet an agitation on the Sabbath question …

4233 Facts of Faith, p. 182.4 (Christian Edwardson)

… as Pastor Preus here quotes it, and not as given in Exodus 20:1-17 .

4234 Facts of Faith, p. 185.3 (Christian Edwardson)

… week. Pastor Kaurin thought it could, but Pastor W. A. Wexels declared that this could not be done, for “God Himself cannot transfer the reason for sanctifying …

4235 Facts of Faith, p. 187.4 (Christian Edwardson)

On the other hand Pastor L. Dahle declared:

4236 Facts of Faith, p. 188.3 (Christian Edwardson)

Pastor K. A. Dachsel says, significantly.

4237 Facts of Faith, p. 188.6 (Christian Edwardson)

… as Pastor L. Dahle in Norway, and “The Norwegian Synod” in America, that the Sabbath commandment was abolished, but that the church keeps Sunday as a proper church …

4238 Facts of Faith, p. 189.1 (Christian Edwardson)

… . Krogh; Pastors John Clausen, Wilh. Beck, I. Vahl, P. Krag, A. G. Fich, and 1. S. D. Branth, who declared that we have not nine, but ten commandments. “And the Ten Commandments …

4239 Facts of Faith, p. 209.1 (Christian Edwardson)

Pastor Charles Chiniquy, a former Catholic priest, says:

4240 Facts of Faith, p. 209.3 (Christian Edwardson)

… book Pastor Chiniquy tells how he was led to question seriously this worship of Rome’s wafer-god, the “host.” In the spring of 1840 ... Father Daule [an old, blind priest …