Search for: polygamy

401 The American Sentinel 14 August 31, 1899, page 532

“Will the United States Maintain Polygamy and Slavery?” American Sentinel 14, 34, pp. 532, 533.

402 The American Sentinel 14 August 31, 1899, page 533 paragraph 1

… , with polygamy and slavery as carried on by him; and now the United States, “as Spain’s successor,” has “become a party to” this treaty. The United States is bound …

403 The American Sentinel 14 August 31, 1899, page 533 paragraph 2

… maintaining polygamy and slavery in one of the islands is only on a par with the rest that the treaty embodies.

404 The American Sentinel 14 August 31, 1899, page 533 paragraph 3

… for polygamy, and maintain the Sultan of Sulu in polygamy at a salary of $5,000? Will it maintain slavery in Sulu against the express prohibition of the Constitution …

405 The American Sentinel 14 October 12, 1899, page 640 paragraph 2

POLYGAMY is a bad thing, whether it be simultaneous polygamy, as sanctioned by Mormon custom, or consecutive polygamy, as sanctioned by the marriage and divorce …

406 The American Sentinel 14 October 19, 1899, page 643

“A National Anti-Polygamy Crusade” American Sentinel 14, 41, pp. 643, 644.

407 The American Sentinel 14 October 19, 1899, page 643 paragraph 1

… put polygamy under the ban of national law. The association calls for “a constitutional amendment prohibiting polygamy and polygamous cohabitation in …

408 The American Sentinel 14 October 19, 1899, page 643 paragraph 2

… to polygamy, as it necessarily must be in standing for the preservation of natural rights. It therefore stands with those who seek by every lawful means, to …

409 The American Sentinel 14 October 19, 1899, page 643 paragraph 3

As polygamy is against natural rights, and civil government is instituted to preserve such rights, civil government can properly do nothing to justify …

410 The American Sentinel 14 October 19, 1899, page 643 paragraph 4

… . If polygamy were consistent with the preservation of human rights, it could properly be opposed only by the agencies God has instituted to combat sin.

411 The American Sentinel 14 October 19, 1899, page 644 paragraph 1

… of polygamy itself, and is stated, they propose a national law in the shape of a constitutional amendment “prohibiting polygamy and polygamous cohabitation …

412 The American Sentinel 14 October 19, 1899, page 644 paragraph 2

… against polygamy? Can one who practises or views without concern the practice of what may be termed consecutive polygamy, be expected to be seriously concerned …

413 The American Sentinel 14 October 19, 1899, page 644 paragraph 4

… countenanced polygamy by the treaty made with the Sultan of Sulu, who will henceforth practice and maintain polygamy in a part of the Philippine Islands …

414 The American Sentinel 14 October 19, 1899, page 644 paragraph 5

The Salt Lake Ministerial Association will not do well to oppose polygamy by the power of a constitutional law, in preference to the power of godliness, which it is their special mission to reveal to the world.

415 The American Sentinel 14 November 16, 1899, page 706 paragraph 1

… which polygamy and slavery both exist in places subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, has called forth replies from responsible sources.

416 The American Sentinel 14 November 16, 1899, page 707 paragraph 5

“The possible continuance of slavery and polygamy in the Sulu Islands under our arrangement with the Sultan has provoked a storm of hostile criticism. Moreover, ... a large part of it proceeds from non-political sources.

417 The American Sentinel 14 November 16, 1899, page 707 paragraph 6

… or polygamy should be tolerated beneath the American flag. The great war which liberated the negro is held to have been a culminating sacrifice which should …

418 The American Sentinel 14 November 16, 1899, page 708 paragraph 2

… this polygamy and slavery embroglio comes from “non-political sources.” Because these non-political sources of which the SENTINEL is one, not being cumbered …

419 The American Sentinel 14 November 23, 1899, page 725 paragraph 11

… of polygamy disappeared from one island two years ago because the parties could not resist the tide of popular opinion. Public sentiment believes in the …

420 The American Sentinel 14 December 7, 1899, page 753 paragraph 2

“He declares that ‘I do not go to Washington as a representative of polygamy.’ Probably not; but if he goes to Washington, he will be a representative of polygamy.”