Search for: pastor

4161 Handbook for Bible Students, p. 276.6 (General Conference of SDA)

… a pastoral of the hyperultramontane Cardinal Dechamps of Mechlin, dated Dec. 8, 1879, and intended to minimize the force of Leo XIII’s disapproval of his policy …

4162 Handbook for Bible Students, p. 406.3 (General Conference of SDA)

… , [9] Pastor ovilis Domini, [10] Pater et Doctor omnium fidelium, [11] Rector domus Dei, [12] Custos vinea Dei, [13] Sponsus Ecclesia, [14] Apostolica sedis Presul, [15] Episcopus …

4163 Handbook for Bible Students, p. 406.4 (General Conference of SDA)

… , [9] pastor of the Lord’s sheep, [10] the father and doctor of all the faithful, [11] the ruler of the house of God, [12] the keeper of God’s vineyard, [13] the bridegroom of …

4164 Handbook for Bible Students, p. 414.2 (General Conference of SDA)

… , evangelists, pastors, teachers, ministers, overseers, presbyters, deacons, stewards. Would it not be strange indeed that it should never give them the one name …

4165 Handbook for Bible Students, p. 414.4 (General Conference of SDA)

… the pastoral epistles five times; and in St. Peter twice; and in St. John twice; and in the Apocalypse twelve times.—“ The Bible and the Ministry ,” F. W. Farrar; quoted …

4166 Handbook for Bible Students, p. 453.2 (General Conference of SDA)

… or pastors have the power to institute ceremonies in the church, and to make laws concerning meats, holidays, and degrees, or orders of ministers, and so forth …

4167 Handbook for Bible Students, p. 481.2 (General Conference of SDA)

Let pastors ... first of all, teach them [“the faithful”] that the mind and understanding must, as much as possible, be withdrawn from the dominion of the senses; for …

4168 Source Book for Bible Students, p. 7.2 (General Conference of SDA)

… upon pastors? This is the reward: “Feed the flock of God which is among you, taking the oversight thereof, not by constraint, but willingly.... And when the Chief Shepherd …

4169 Source Book for Bible Students, p. 8.5 (General Conference of SDA)

… my pastoral life it had absolutely no place in my preaching? Undoubtedly the reason lay in the lack of early instruction. Of all the sermons heard from childhood …

4170 Source Book for Bible Students, p. 29.2 (General Conference of SDA)

… and pastors, exalting himself to be called God, wishing to be adored, boasting to have all power in heaven and upon earth, to dispose of all ecclesiastical matters …

4171 Source Book for Bible Students, p. 110.9 (General Conference of SDA)

… lawful pastors, more especially of the Roman Pontiff, the sole vicar of Christ on earth.—“ De Ecclesia Militante ” (R. C.), Tom. II, lib. 3, cap. 2 (On the Church Militant, Vol …

4172 Source Book for Bible Students, p. 127.2 (General Conference of SDA)

… for pastors in the ministry, and not to be a substitute for children’s catechisms, although the originally continuous form of its exposition was afterwards …

4173 Source Book for Bible Students, p. 142.8 (General Conference of SDA)

… Whittaker, pastor of the Tabernacle church in Salem, held religious services in the meetinghouse, and preached a sermon in which he maintained that the darkness …

4174 Source Book for Bible Students, p. 172.5 (General Conference of SDA)

“ And primacy is given to Peter, that one church of Christ and one chair may be pointed out; and all are pastors and one flock is shown, to be fed by all the apostles with one-hearted accord.

4175 Source Book for Bible Students, p. 240.1 (General Conference of SDA)

… of pastor and doctor of all Christians, by virtue of his supreme apostolic authority he defines a doctrine regarding faith or morals to be held by the universal …

4176 Source Book for Bible Students, p. 248.2 (General Conference of SDA)

… several pastoral letters and manifestoes of recent date from the bishops, the opinion is maintained, or a historical proof is attempted, that the new doctrine …

4177 Source Book for Bible Students, p. 248.9 (General Conference of SDA)

… a pastoral of the hyperultramontane Cardinal Dechamps of Mechlin, dated Dec. 8, 1879, and intended to minimize the force of Leo XIII’s disapproval of his policy …

4178 Source Book for Bible Students, p. 279.6 (General Conference of SDA)

… of.—Pastors, therefore, must first teach that the institution of confession has been to us extremely useful, and even necessary; for granting that sins are …

4179 Source Book for Bible Students, p. 381.3 (General Conference of SDA)

… the pastor of the central church of the world, had gradually come to be considered a duty on their part, and had now led to an unfounded claim of authority by …

4180 Source Book for Bible Students, p. 387.7 (General Conference of SDA)

… , [9] Pastor ovilis Domini, [10] Pater et Doctor omnium fidelium, [11] Rector domus Dei, [12] Custos vinea Dei, [13] Sponsus Ecclesia, [14] Apostolica sedis Presul, [15] Episcopus …