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41041 The Present Truth, vol. 15 November 23, 1899, page 738

“The Gospel of Isaiah. God's Witnesses. Isaiah 43:8-13 ” The Present Truth 15, 47.

41042 The Present Truth, vol. 15 November 23, 1899, page 752 paragraph 1

… the Gospel, who have preached and written more real Gospel than Dr. Theodore L. Cuyler. In a recent letter to young pastors he gives this good advise: “Never defend …

41043 The Present Truth, vol. 15 November 23, 1899, page 752 paragraph 3

… the Gospel as not to see the incongruity of such a proposal. What a caricature of peace it would be, what a travesty of upon the Gospel of peace, for two armies …

41044 The Present Truth, vol. 15 November 23, 1899, page 752 paragraph 4

… the Gospel has come to be considered as a mere form and ceremony, as satisfied by the observance of certain days and certain ceremonies. Such religion is essentially …

41045 The Present Truth, vol. 15 November 23, 1899, page 752 paragraph 8

The Gospel is “Christ in you the hope of glory.” Colossians 1:27. If He be not in us we have no hope. And the new birth which makes the sons of God, is the beginning of …

41046 The Present Truth, vol. 15 November 30, 1899, page 753 paragraph 2

… the Gospel of Matthew, we shall learn something of what God means by a ruler, and how He rules: “And thou Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, art not the least among the …

41047 The Present Truth, vol. 15 November 30, 1899, page 755

“The Gospel of Isaiah. The Sin-bearer. Isaiah 43:14-28 ” The Present Truth 15, 48.

41048 The Present Truth, vol. 15 November 30, 1899, page 760 paragraph 6

… the Gospel would take away, leaving them free. God says that when a whole tithe is brought to Him, He will open the windows of heaven, and bless till there is not …

41049 The Present Truth, vol. 15 November 30, 1899, page 762

“For Little Ones. A Gospel Lesson” The Present Truth 15, 48.

41050 The Present Truth, vol. 15 November 30, 1899, page 762 paragraph 6

… the Gospel was taught to Adam in a beautiful figure even before He sinned. For the deep sleep which God caused to fall upon Him was a type or figure of the sleep …

41051 The Present Truth, vol. 15 November 30, 1899, page 768 paragraph 5

… the Gospel, “as the truth is in Jesus.” In the process of setting forth that truth, however, it sometimes becomes necessary to call attention to errors, not for …

41052 The Present Truth, vol. 15 November 30, 1899, page 773

“The Gospel of Isaiah. The Gift of the Spirit. Isaiah 44:1-8 ” The Present Truth 15, 48.

41053 The Present Truth, vol. 15 December 14, 1899, page 787 paragraph 1

… glorious Gospel of Christ” been in the world. “There be many that say, who will show us any good? Lord, lift Thou up the light of Thy countenance upon us.” Psalm 4:6. From …

41054 The Present Truth, vol. 15 December 14, 1899, page 788

“The Gospel of Isaiah. A Stupid, False Witness. Isaiah 44:9-29 ” The Present Truth 15, 50.

41055 The Present Truth, vol. 15 December 14, 1899, page 794 paragraph 6

… glorious Gospel, the Good Tidings,-“Christ in you, the hope of glory.” Not Christ born of Mary in the Bethlehem stable,-but Christ in you .

41056 The Present Truth, vol. 15 December 14, 1899, page 794 paragraph 14

He was “preaching the Gospel beforehand under Abraham,” showing him how, by the power of the Holy Spirit, Christ should be born, not only into the world, but formed in his own heart, to save him from his sins.

41057 The Present Truth, vol. 15 December 14, 1899, page 794 paragraph 16

Another time we will find some more of the Gospel lessons that are hidden in the life of Isaac; but next week we must tell you of the fulfilment of the promise that God sent to Mary by the angel Gabriel.

41058 The Present Truth, vol. 15 December 14, 1899, page 800 paragraph 2

… the Gospels. We hope to have suitable illustrations to accompany the notes, which we trust will be no less interesting and profitable to the general reader …

41059 The Present Truth, vol. 15 December 14, 1899, page 800 paragraph 9

… the Gospel? Why devote space to it, that ought to be devoted to the exposition of Bible truths, and to exhortations to godliness? Ah, the Gospel is the promise …

41060 The Present Truth, vol. 15 December 14, 1899, page 800 paragraph 10

… the Gospel just as surely as the saving of the soul. There is every evidence in the Bible that God regards a healthy body as necessary as a sinless soul. “I wish …