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41021 The Present Truth, vol. 15 October 12, 1899, page 656 paragraph 10

The Gospel proclaimed “peace on earth.” Christ commanded His followers not to resist even when trampled upon and beaten, and to suffer the loss of all their …

41022 The Present Truth, vol. 15 October 12, 1899, page 656 paragraph 11

… the Gospel, and calling out from the world a people loyal to God, will have been completed, and Christ will come to destroy the kingdoms of this world, and to set …

41023 The Present Truth, vol. 15 October 19, 1899, page 659

“The Gospel of Isaiah. ‘Fear Not!’ Isaiah 41:14-29 ” The Present Truth 15, 42.

41024 The Present Truth, vol. 15 October 19, 1899, page 672 paragraph 3

… the Gospel.” We have in the Bible quite full reports of several addresses by Christ, Peter, Paul, and others of their time, but not a single funny thing appears …

41025 The Present Truth, vol. 15 October 26, 1899, page 675

“The Gospel of Isaiah. The Lord's Servant. Isaiah 42:1-9 ” The Present Truth 15, 43.

41026 The Present Truth, vol. 15 October 26, 1899, page 678 paragraph 4

… the Gospel mercy is revealed, and justice in the destruction of the wicked. God's attributes are not thus divided. In the Gospel the righteousness, or justice …

41027 The Present Truth, vol. 15 October 26, 1899, page 678

“The Victorious Gospel” The Present Truth 15, 43.

41028 The Present Truth, vol. 15 October 26, 1899, page 678 paragraph 8

… the Gospel unhindered. Thus say the leaders of the missionary societies.

41029 The Present Truth, vol. 15 October 26, 1899, page 679 paragraph 1

… the Gospel cannot be carried to all the world without the giving of life. The Gospel is itself the gift of life-the giving up of life that others may receive …

41030 The Present Truth, vol. 15 October 26, 1899, page 688 paragraph 6

… the Gospel who claim that war is perfectly consistent with Christianity!

41031 The Present Truth, vol. 15 November 2, 1899, page 691

“The Gospel of Isaiah. A New Song. Isaiah 42:10-13 ” The Present Truth 15, 44.

41032 The Present Truth, vol. 15 November 9, 1899, page 708

“The Gospel of Isaiah. Magnifying the Law. Isaiah 42:18-25 ” The Present Truth 15, 45.

41033 The Present Truth, vol. 15 November 9, 1899, page 709 paragraph 3

… the Gospel, but that does not show that they will not also receive bodily healing, but the contrary. It may well be, however, that the most of these mighty miracles …

41035 The Present Truth, vol. 15 November 9, 1899, page 714 paragraph 11

… of Gospel truth which God has in this way made plain for us to grasp.

41036 The Present Truth, vol. 15 November 9, 1899, page 714 paragraph 13

So let us as we study these, look for the precious truth, the lessons of Jesus which were hidden in them for the people of old time to teach them the Gospel, and which still remain there to make it plain for us.

41037 The Present Truth, vol. 15 November 16, 1899, page 721 paragraph 1

… the Gospel. Those who are running for an incorruptible crown ought to be far ahead physically, as well as spiritually, of those who have only a corruptible …

41038 The Present Truth, vol. 15 November 16, 1899, page 721

“The Gospel of Isaiah. ‘I Am with Thee.’ Isaiah 43:1-7 ” The Present Truth 15, 46.

41039 The Present Truth, vol. 15 November 16, 1899, page 730 paragraph 12

… the Gospel beforehand,” showing how all that man, lost through sin could be brought back to him. Next week we will talk of this again, and see what “good tidings …

41040 The Present Truth, vol. 15 November 16, 1899, page 736 paragraph 2

… the Gospel of salvation; and that ignorance must be helped, in order that the questioner may lay hold of the hope set before him.