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40961 The Present Truth, vol. 15 July 13, 1899, page 439 paragraph 7

… the Gospel, for in its simplicity lies its greatest power.

40962 The Present Truth, vol. 15 July 20, 1899, page 452

“The Gospel of Isaiah. The Earth Restored. Isaiah 35:1-10 ” The Present Truth 15, 29.

40963 The Present Truth, vol. 15 July 20, 1899, page 453 paragraph 1

… the Gospel preached unto them.” Matthew 11:3-5. Now there was never a time in the world when there was more need of convincing proof of the genuineness of the Gospel

40964 The Present Truth, vol. 15 July 27, 1899, page 467 paragraph 3

… the Gospel, that God builds up the house of David. Acts 15:14-18. Christ is the One by whom the kingdom is to be restored to Israel, for “the Lord God shall give unto …

40965 The Present Truth, vol. 15 July 27, 1899, page 468

“The Gospel of Isaiah. A Prayer for Healing Answered. Isaiah 38:1-8, 21, 22 ” The Present Truth 15, 29.

40966 The Present Truth, vol. 15 August 3, 1899, page 482 paragraph 3

… the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and he said, “For the hope of Israel am I bound with this chain” ( Acts 28:20 ), and to another congregation of the Jews he said, “Of the hope …

40967 The Present Truth, vol. 15 August 3, 1899, page 483

“The Gospel of Isaiah. Hezekiah's Tribute of Thanksgiving. Isaiah 38:9-20 ” The Present Truth 15, 31.

40968 The Present Truth, vol. 15 August 3, 1899, page 485 paragraph 3

… the Gospel secret. The knowledge of this secret is to every individual just as much a matter of life and death, as was the knowledge of the king's secret to the …

40969 The Present Truth, vol. 15 August 3, 1899, page 485 paragraph 4

… the Gospel the word used to represent this secret is “mystery.” Christ said, “Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God,”-“the mystery which was …

40970 The Present Truth, vol. 15 August 10, 1899, page 497

“The Gospel of Isaiah. Going to Babylon. Isa. xxxix” The Present Truth 15, 32.

40971 The Present Truth, vol. 15 August 10, 1899, page 499 paragraph 9

… the Gospel are always the same, and must never be lost sight of. It must also be remembered that the whole Bible is given for the purpose of revealing God to men …

40972 The Present Truth, vol. 15 August 10, 1899, page 512 paragraph 1

… whole Gospel of healing for body, soul and spirit. Particulars as to reduced railway fares and lodging accommodation can be had an immediate application …

40973 The Present Truth, vol. 15 August 17, 1899, page 515 paragraph 1

… the Gospel, we find God's last appeal to His people to come out of Babylon. Revelation 13 .

40974 The Present Truth, vol. 15 August 17, 1899, page 515 paragraph 4

… the Gospel work, and to claim these promises, must live by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. When a man rejects any part of God's Word, he does …

40975 The Present Truth, vol. 15 August 17, 1899, page 516

“The Gospel of Isaiah. The Last Loud Gospel Cry. Isaiah 40:1-11 ” The Present Truth 15, 33.

40976 The Present Truth, vol. 15 August 17, 1899, page 517 paragraph 2

… the Gospel in Isaiah, we have it here. It is that Gospel which preaches the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins, and makes known salvation through …

40977 The Present Truth, vol. 15 August 17, 1899, page 517 paragraph 4

… everlasting Gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation and kindred, and tongue, and people, saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and …

40978 The Present Truth, vol. 15 August 17, 1899, page 517 paragraph 5

… . The Gospel of the kingdom is “for all people,” and is to be “preached in all the world, for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.” Matthew 24:14; Luke …

40979 The Present Truth, vol. 15 August 17, 1899, page 517 paragraph 7

… the Gospel is preeminently a prophetic message. It is given by the power of the Spirit of God, which is the Spirit of prophecy. God's people are “a kingdom of priests …

40980 The Present Truth, vol. 15 August 17, 1899, page 517 paragraph 9

… the Gospel of the kingdom, the Gospel of salvation. 3. It prepares the way for the coming of the Lord, even for His coming in glory, that is, to the end of the world …