Search for: Choice

4061 Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary, p. 968.34 (Matthew Henry)

… the choice of suffering saints; farewell houses and lands, though ever so convenient and desirable, through the inheritance of fathers, for the house which …

4062 Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary, p. 975.52 (Matthew Henry)

… his choice of thee to be the mother of the Messiah, has put an honour upon thee peculiar to thyself, above that of Eve, who was the mother of all living .” The vulgar …

4063 Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary, p. 982.54 (Matthew Henry)

… . The choice Christ made of witnesses that should see the miracle wrought. A crowd followed him, but perhaps they were rude and noisy; however, it was not fit to …

4064 Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary, p. 984.3 (Matthew Henry)

… the choice of twelve apostles Christ had an eye to the twelve patriarchs, the twelve tribes, and the twelve princes of those tribes, so here he seems to have …

4065 Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary, p. 984.59 (Matthew Henry)

… her choice— sitting at Christ’s feet, to hear his word. She was troubled about many things, when she should have applied herself to one; godliness unites the …

4066 Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary, p. 984.62 (Matthew Henry)

… , Mary’s choice will be justified, and all those who make that choice, and abide by it. But this was not all; he applauded her for her wisdom: She hath chosen the good …

4067 Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary, p. 987.8 (Matthew Henry)

… our choice. (5.) The perishing of those in their impenitency who have been most harsh and severe in judging others will be in a particular manner aggravated …

4068 Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary, p. 992.6 (Matthew Henry)

… , a choice people, a chosen people. And this he has an eye to in all he does for them; it is because they are his chosen, and in pursuance of the choice he has made of …

4069 Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary, p. 1001.57 (Matthew Henry)

… and choice of the children of men; to bring letters and messages from him, for he courts by proxy; and herein they must be faithful to him. Secondly, The friends …

4070 Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary, p. 1002.57 (Matthew Henry)

… Jerusalem’s choice was in force, that was sinful, but because they were out in the object of their worship. If the worship itself had been as it should have been …

4071 Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary, p. 1004.101 (Matthew Henry)

… your choice whether you will or no; if you will forsake me, now is the time, when so many do: it is an hour of temptation; if you will go back, go now.” Note, Christ will …

4072 Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary, p. 1004.102 (Matthew Henry)

… their choice whom they would serve, with design to draw out from them a promise to adhere to him, and it had the like effect. Nay, but we will serve the Lord, Peter …

4073 Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary, p. 1004.103 (Matthew Henry)

… our choice too well to change.” Note, Those who leave Christ would do well to consider to whom they will go, and whether they can expect to find rest and peace any …

4074 Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary, p. 1005.49 (Matthew Henry)

… their choice so shall their doom be. They were industrious to drive him from them, and their sin shall be their punishment; he will not trouble them long, yet …

4075 Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary, p. 1006.93 (Matthew Henry)

… makes choice of sin, prefers the way of wickedness before the way of holiness ( Jeremiah 44:16, 44:17 ),—that makes a covenant with sin, enters into league with it …

4076 Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary, p. 1006.122 (Matthew Henry)

… of choice and not by surprise, with pleasure and not with reluctancy, when it is persisted in with a daring presumption and a desperate resolution, like theirs …

4077 Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary, p. 1013.27 (Matthew Henry)

… own choice, Christ’s choice is prior to theirs and directs and determines it. Of all that are chosen to grace and glory it may be said, They have not chosen Christ …

4078 Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary, p. 1013.47 (Matthew Henry)

… this choice they are designed for sets them above the world, and so makes them the objects of its envy. The saints shall judge the world, and the upright have …

4079 Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary, p. 1014.18 (Matthew Henry)

… own choice, but graciously over-rules it, and gives us the physic we are loth to take, because he knows it is good for us.