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40621 The Present Truth, vol. 14 May 19, 1898, page 309 paragraph 5

… the Gospel of Christ. Every act which Jesus did while here upon the earth, and every ordinance which He instituted, is full of meaning. The meaning may not always …

40623 The Present Truth, vol. 14 May 19, 1898, page 310 paragraph 4

… the Gospel of Jesus Christ “who gave Himself for us.” He through whom all things were created and sustained before sin appeared, accepted the additional burden …

40624 The Present Truth, vol. 14 May 19, 1898, page 310 paragraph 6

… the Gospel of the death and resurrection of Jesus, and so receive it by faith as the manifested life of Jesus, will enjoy this blessing of life for ever and will …

40625 The Present Truth, vol. 14 May 19, 1898, page 311 paragraph 2

… the Gospel of the death and resurrection of Jesus that we have life now, and that through our faith in the same Gospel that same life will be continued to us …

40626 The Present Truth, vol. 14 May 26, 1898, page 322 paragraph 6

… the Gospel in the power of the Holy Ghost, and all who accept it will have both the form and the power. As for those who know not the power, they are in a more hopeful …

40627 The Present Truth, vol. 14 May 26, 1898, page 324 paragraph 10

… the Gospel. Rom. i. 16. But the power of God is seen only in the things that are made. Rom. i. 20. It is in the things that are made that we learn that which may be known of …

40628 The Present Truth, vol. 14 May 26, 1898, page 336 paragraph 18

… the Gospel of Christ solves every perplexity and heals every ill!

40629 The Present Truth, vol. 14 June 2, 1898, page 340 paragraph 11

… the Gospel, as it has never been before. It is so easy for the rulers to raise the cry of “humanity” in justification of any war, or else there is always that magic …

40630 The Present Truth, vol. 14 June 2, 1898, page 344 paragraph 10

… the Gospel which now prevail, has come to our attention since the foregoing was written. The New York Independent, one of the most influential religious journals …

40631 The Present Truth, vol. 14 June 2, 1898, page 344 paragraph 11

… the Gospel of Peace, whose Author said, “Resist not evil; but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also,” and who Himself set the example …

40632 The Present Truth, vol. 14 June 2, 1898, page 344 paragraph 12

In striking contrast with this plea for the law and Gospel to be adhered to in war, is the following from the Daily Telegraph of May 23, with reference to the resolution of the Presbyterian Assembly concerning Sunday fighting:—

40634 The Present Truth, vol. 14 June 2, 1898, page 345 paragraph 2

… the Gospel of peace in abeyance even temporarily.

40635 The Present Truth, vol. 14 June 2, 1898, page 352 paragraph 14

… . The Gospel is being set forth as sanctioning war and bloodshed, and it is necessary that the world should know that war talk, no matter from what source it comes …

40636 The Present Truth, vol. 14 June 9, 1898, page 354 paragraph 1

… . The Gospel is just that power exerted to save men. Lay hold on that power, and you find salvation. Simply trust yourself to the power that made and that upholds …

40637 The Present Truth, vol. 14 June 9, 1898, page 354 paragraph 3

… of Gospel teaching. “Jesus met them.” They had come “to see the sepulchre,” expecting to find their Lord in a tomb. Still it was their love for Jesus which brought …

40638 The Present Truth, vol. 14 June 9, 1898, page 355 paragraph 1

… the Gospel “is the power of God unto salvation.” It requires the same power to save from sin as to create in the first place, and “power belongeth unto God,” and this …

40640 The Present Truth, vol. 14 June 9, 1898, page 355 paragraph 2

… the Gospel, the same Gospel which was preached unto Abraham, but brought out in a clearer light, for “never man spake like this Man.” He through whom God's holy …