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40581 The Present Truth, vol. 14 March 17, 1898, page 162 paragraph 8

… “the Gospel of God ... concerning His Son, who was born of the seed of David according to the flesh,” but is clothed in such language that it is most clearly intended …

40582 The Present Truth, vol. 14 March 17, 1898, page 163 paragraph 3

… the Gospel of the restoration of man to the image of God and the method by which it is accomplished are most certainly taught. So if any man will regard this …

40583 The Present Truth, vol. 14 March 17, 1898, page 165 paragraph 4

… the Gospel. The question is a very natural one. Since the inheritance is wholly by promise, and a covenant confirmed can not be changed, nothing can be taken …

40584 The Present Truth, vol. 14 March 24, 1898, page 177

“Elijah's Gospel and Ours” The Present Truth 14, 12.

40585 The Present Truth, vol. 14 March 24, 1898, page 177 paragraph 1

… the Gospel “in demonstration of the Spirit and power.” In a time when Israel's king, Ahab, “did evil in the sight of the Lord above all that were before him,” and had …

40586 The Present Truth, vol. 14 March 24, 1898, page 178 paragraph 2

… the Gospel as preached by Elijah. He pointed out that the real essence of idolatry was in forsaking the commandments of the Lord, and then in his ministry he …

40587 The Present Truth, vol. 14 March 24, 1898, page 178 paragraph 3

… His Gospel, declaring His Word to all the people, giving all an opportunity to choose between the true and false.

40588 The Present Truth, vol. 14 March 24, 1898, page 178 paragraph 5

… same Gospel should again be preached with the same power. And so the Lord had said, through the prophet Malachi: “Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before …

40589 The Present Truth, vol. 14 March 24, 1898, page 178


40590 The Present Truth, vol. 14 March 24, 1898, page 178 paragraph 6

… the Gospel, the special message which was given to him to deliver, John the Baptist faithfully rebuked the people, even those who professed to be teachers …

40591 The Present Truth, vol. 14 March 24, 1898, page 178


40592 The Present Truth, vol. 14 March 24, 1898, page 178 paragraph 8

… everlasting Gospel,” in fulfilment of the prophecy, “to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people, saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to Him …

40593 The Present Truth, vol. 14 March 24, 1898, page 178 paragraph 9

… everlasting Gospel” is preached “with a loud voice,” just as in the time of Elijah and of John the Baptist, urging the worship of the true God. That the issue at stake …

40594 The Present Truth, vol. 14 March 24, 1898, page 179 paragraph 1

… the Gospel message now calls upon all men to “worship Him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.” This demands a recognition of God …

40595 The Present Truth, vol. 14 March 24, 1898, page 179

“A Princely Gospel Worker” The Present Truth 14, 12.

40596 The Present Truth, vol. 14 March 24, 1898, page 179 paragraph 4

… earnest Gospel worker. It is not a common thing to see or hear of an earthly prince preaching the Gospel, for “not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty …

40597 The Present Truth, vol. 14 March 24, 1898, page 180 paragraph 7

… the Gospel unto Abraham saying, In thee shall all nations be blessed. So then they which are of faith are blessed with faithful Abraham.”

40598 The Present Truth, vol. 14 March 24, 1898, page 181 paragraph 3

… the Gospel unto Abraham, saying, In thee shall all nations be blessed.” We see that the Gospel is preached by the same thing-the Scripture-that shuts men up under …

40599 The Present Truth, vol. 14 March 24, 1898, page 181 paragraph 7

… the Gospel. -“But,” says one, “the law says nothing of Christ.” No; but all creation does speak of Christ, proclaiming the power of His salvation. We have seen that the …

40600 The Present Truth, vol. 14 March 24, 1898, page 182 paragraph 6

… the Gospel. All are alike sinners, and all are saved in the same way. They who would make a distinction on the ground of nationality, claiming that there is something …