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40561 The Present Truth, vol. 14 March 3, 1898, page 131 paragraph 2

… . The Gospel was preached to Abraham in the words, “In thy seed shall all the kindreds of the earth be blessed;” and this blessing comes to us through Christ, who …

40562 The Present Truth, vol. 14 March 3, 1898, page 132 paragraph 3

… the Gospel. Present salvation from the commission of “the sin that doth so easily beset us.” In this is contained the sum of all things. And this great blessing …

40563 The Present Truth, vol. 14 March 3, 1898, page 132 paragraph 6

2. The Gospel is all contained in the cross; for the Gospel is “the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth” (Rom. i. 16), and “unto us which are saved” the cross of Christ “is the power of God” (1 Cor. i. 18).

40564 The Present Truth, vol. 14 March 3, 1898, page 133 paragraph 2

… the Gospel, so it is that the everlasting power of God is revealed in all things that He has made. Eph. iii. 20. Rom. i. 16-20, compared with 1 Cor. i. 17,18, amounts to a plain …

40565 The Present Truth, vol. 14 March 3, 1898, page 133 paragraph 3

… the Gospel. Our own weakness and sinfulness, instead of being a cause of discouragement, are, if we believe the Lord, a pledge of redemption. Out of weakness we …

40566 The Present Truth, vol. 14 March 3, 1898, page 133 paragraph 6

… the Gospel is to gather together in one all things in Jesus Christ, “In whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose …

40567 The Present Truth, vol. 14 March 3, 1898, page 134 paragraph 6

… , the Gospel of our salvation; and as the warmth of the sunlight and the moisture of the dew and the rain are symbolic of the provision which God has made for the …

40568 The Present Truth, vol. 14 March 3, 1898, page 134 paragraph 11

… the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ: who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of His power.” 2 Thess …

40569 The Present Truth, vol. 14 March 3, 1898, page 141 paragraph 12

Thus man could not only see God in all things, His “eternal power and Divinity,” but could see Him bearing the curse of sin, and learn to read the Gospel, which is “the power of God unto salvation” from sin.

40570 The Present Truth, vol. 14 March 10, 1898, page 145 paragraph 1

… the Gospel to the poor; He hath sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty …

40571 The Present Truth, vol. 14 March 10, 1898, page 147 paragraph 4

… the Gospel of world-wide salvation was preached. He believed, and received the blessing, even the blessing of righteousness. All who believe are blessed with …

40572 The Present Truth, vol. 14 March 10, 1898, page 148 paragraph 2

… the Gospel. The whole Gospel has reference to this, and to this alone. Man redeemed, but with no place to live in, would present an incomplete work. While the cross …

40573 The Present Truth, vol. 14 March 10, 1898, page 148 paragraph 6

… , The Gospel to-day is precisely the same in every particular that it was in the days of Abraham. It is summed up in this: God will give to men “the first dominion …

40574 The Present Truth, vol. 14 March 10, 1898, page 149 paragraph 2

… . The Gospel of repentance and preparation for the kingdom of heaven which John preached (Matt. iii. 2) included the resurrection from the dead, and was preached …

40575 The Present Truth, vol. 14 March 10, 1898, page 149 paragraph 5

Gospel. In pursuance of his work He reproved sin of every kind, and when as a result of his faithfulness he was cast in the prison, his own faith in the Gospel which …

40576 The Present Truth, vol. 14 March 17, 1898, page 161

“The Gospel in Grafting” The Present Truth 14, 11.

40577 The Present Truth, vol. 14 March 17, 1898, page 161 paragraph 2

… glorious Gospel [the Gospel of the glory] of Christ who is the image of God.” 2 Cor. iv. 4. “And as we have borne the image of the earthly, we shall also bear the image of …

40578 The Present Truth, vol. 14 March 17, 1898, page 161 paragraph 3

… . The Gospel is God's plan and power for restoring man to his original perfection through the gift of Jesus Christ and the acceptance of His righteousness …

40579 The Present Truth, vol. 14 March 17, 1898, page 161 paragraph 4

… visible Gospel” of nature, and in His Word the Lord has made this instruction clear to us. That the original perfection of man and his subsequent fall are taught …

40580 The Present Truth, vol. 14 March 17, 1898, page 162 paragraph 4

… the Gospel of nature in which we read of the necessity for, and the fact of, the incarnation of the Son of God.