Search for: polygamy

381 The American Sentinel 13 January 13, 1898, page 18 paragraph 4

If it is wrong for the state to unite with one church alone, is it right for the state to unite with all the churches? If even marriage between church and state is wrong, what must be said of church and state polygamy?

382 The American Sentinel 13 March 10, 1898, page 147 paragraph 1

… its polygamy, but in its union of church and state.

383 The American Sentinel 13 March 10, 1898, page 147 paragraph 2

… upon polygamy; that seemed to be the great evil pertaining to Mormonism that needed to be suppressed. To this public attention was directed. Books were written …

384 The American Sentinel 13 March 10, 1898, page 147 paragraph 3

… of polygamy they have not cut the root of the Mormon evil, but only a sprout which it bore. The root being left, the sprout may—and naturally will—grow out again …

385 The American Sentinel 13 March 10, 1898, page 147 paragraph 5

… , not polygamy, have been responsible for all our troubles.’ This remark was made to me during the heat of one of the church and state campaigns in Utah by a Mormon …

386 The American Sentinel 13 March 10, 1898, page 147 paragraph 7

… tolerated polygamy, because at that time their moral force had not become so highly potent as it probably would be to-day; but they would not accord to the Mormons …

388 The American Sentinel 13 March 10, 1898, page 147 paragraph 9

… against polygamy. In the bitter years that followed not the least influential of the elements which opposed the dominant church was striking at its political …

389 The American Sentinel 13 March 10, 1898, page 147 paragraph 10

… that polygamy was not the chief evil of Mormonism was shown curiously after its abandonment by the manifesto of Wilford Woodruff, in 1890. Even after it was …

390 The American Sentinel 13 March 10, 1898, page 161 paragraph 1

… of polygamy; but it has been demonstrated that the union of religion with the state is a greater evil than polygamy; that is, and not polygamy, is the root evil …

391 The American Sentinel 13 December 8, 1898, page 760 paragraph 2

… receive polygamy, and compelled this (as it thought) to be thrown out; but it took in a union of church and state. And now it is discovering that this church-and …

392 The American Sentinel 13 December 8, 1898, page 760 paragraph 3

… abandon polygamy out of respect for American opinion and would never again countenance the union of church and state. Reports from Utah that they were breaking …

393 The American Sentinel 13 December 8, 1898, page 762 paragraph 1

… that polygamy was to be forced ‘down the throats of Congress and the American people.’ He says he has taken no wives since the anti-polygamy manifesto, but was …

394 The American Sentinel 13 December 8, 1898, page 762 paragraph 3

… anti-polygamy laws, the amnesty proclamation of President Harrison and the enabling act of Utah, and this means should be taken without hesitation. The Mormon …

395 The American Sentinel 13 December 8, 1898, page 762 paragraph 4

… , without polygamy the same as with it. For that mistake they may yet pay dearly. Mistakes made upon such a point are always costly.

396 The American Sentinel 13 December 8, 1898, page 762 paragraph 5

… discontinue polygamy and promise that it would never be revived. But the promise of a church that maintains a union with the state is not to be trusted. The …

397 The American Sentinel 13 December 15, 1898, page 788 paragraph 1

… of polygamy is again to the front in Utah. If the Mormon Church had gone out of politics, the sovereign State of Utah would not now be under Mormon control; but …

398 The American Sentinel 14 January 19, 1899, page 33 paragraph 5

… against polygamy, and denounce the Mormon system in Utah as a union of church and state; and that is true. But it is no less true that the system which would join …

399 The American Sentinel 14 January 19, 1899, page 48 paragraph 7

CHURCH people who disclaim against polygamy may well remember that the very worst form of “plural marriage” is seen when a church which professes to be joined to Christ seeks the support of the State.

400 The American Sentinel 14 July 13, 1899, page 432 paragraph 2

… Mormon polygamy which has been in progress since the Mormon B. H. Roberts was elected to Congress, has borne fruit in the arrest of a prominent Mormon leader …