Search for: polygamy

361 The American Sentinel 5 September 11, 1890, page 282 paragraph 3

… prohibiting polygamy as it really does; but when it goes far beyond this and puts itself in the domain of God, and makes itself supreme in all things religious …

362 The American Sentinel 5 September 11, 1890, page 282 paragraph 4

… or polygamy, is right, because bigamy and polygamy are essentially uncivil. The Idaho test oath, so far as it assumes jurisdiction of religious duty, is wrong …

363 The American Sentinel 6 May 7, 1891, page 147 paragraph 13

… extirpate polygamy in any of the Territories, by the enactment of a criminal code directed to that end; but it is not authorized under the cover of that power …

364 The American Sentinel 8 August 17, 1893, page 264 paragraph 6

… that polygamy is enjoined in the Old Testament, and that, therefore, the Morman [ sic .] can as plausibly plead that he should be permitted to have several wives …

365 The American Sentinel 9 January 4, 1894, page 2 paragraph 13

… prohibiting polygamy, chaplains in army and navy, in Congress and legislatures, and decisions of courts that Christianity is part of the common law,—all prove …

366 The American Sentinel 10 May 2, 1895, page 144 paragraph 11

… Mormon polygamy is only for the purpose of exciting prejudice. Those who are troubled upon this question ought to send three cents to this office for “Religious …

367 The American Sentinel 10 May 9, 1895, page 146

“Mormon Polygamy and Religious Liberty” American Sentinel 10, 19, p. 146.

369 The American Sentinel 10 May 9, 1895, page 146 paragraph 4

… which polygamy was permitted could take one or more additional wives, and the woman who had married him in good faith would have no redress. Thus it is seen …

370 The American Sentinel 10 May 23, 1895, page 162 paragraph 3

… of polygamy as parallel. Many Mormons hold as conscientiously to plural marriages as you do to Saturday rest. But their religious views, however conscientious …

371 The American Sentinel 10 May 23, 1895, page 163 paragraph 11

… prohibiting polygamy; because the marriage relation necessarily involves the rights not only of the contracting parties but of their offspring and of …

372 The American Sentinel 10 June 13, 1895, page 187 paragraph 6

… prohibit polygamy among the Mormons. In a republic the majority rule, and it would be a dangerous thing to admit the right of the minority to defy the laws under …

373 The American Sentinel 10 June 13, 1895, page 187 paragraph 24

… prohibits polygamy. With polygamy legalized anywhere in the United States no woman would have any legal guarantee of the inviolability of her marital …

374 The American Sentinel 11 January 23, 1896, page 28 paragraph 4

… against polygamy in Utah several years since, and that even the authorities of the Mormon Church were compelled to bend before the law backed up by that sentiment …

375 The American Sentinel 11 January 23, 1896, page 28 paragraph 5

It is a curious fact that in 1887 these two evils [contemporaneous and consecutive polygamy] were exhibited side by side in Utah, where there were among the “Gentiles” about half as many divorces as marriages during that year.

376 The American Sentinel 11 January 23, 1896, page 28 paragraph 6

… “contemporaneous polygamy” if “consecutive polygamy” is permitted to flourish?

377 The American Sentinel 11 January 23, 1896, page 28 paragraph 7

polygamy appears to be the lesser evil. But there is not that sentiment against consecutive polygamy that there is against polygamy as it exists …

378 The American Sentinel 11 March 12, 1896, page 83 paragraph 12

… surrendered polygamy as an article of their faith and have promised henceforth to respect the conscience of the country. There will be an end to the abomination …

379 The American Sentinel 11 March 12, 1896, page 83 paragraph 13

… of polygamy known to society in this country, there can be little doubt that the one suppressed was less evil than the others. Open polygamy as formerly practice …

380 The American Sentinel 11 March 12, 1896, page 83 paragraph 14

… “consecutive polygamy,” and this has the sanction of our courts of law. It is seen where parties who have entered into the marriage relation, separate upon some …