Search for: James White

363 Manuscript Releases, vol. 11 [Nos. 851-920], p. 107.3 (Ellen Gould White)

Father [James White] is improving all the time. He needs to be held up, encouraged, and cheerful words spoken to him. The Lord lives and reigns. He is our strength and deliverer.

364 Manuscript Releases, vol. 11 [Nos. 851-920], p. 109.1 (Ellen Gould White)

… father [James White] used to do, and many things I could say and did say that I otherwise might not have spoken. Then he said I must write it.— Letter 144, 1896, pp. 1, 2 …

366 Manuscript Releases, vol. 12 [Nos. 921-999], p. 263.1 (Ellen Gould White)

W. C. White drove with me in the single buggy, Brother James leading the way in the platform wagon, in which were Professor E. A. Sutherland and Sara McEnterfer and the luggage.

367 Manuscript Releases, vol. 13 [Nos. 1000-1080], p. 32.1 (Ellen Gould White)

… , to James White, from Camp Ground, Skowhegan, Maine .)

368 Manuscript Releases, vol. 13 [Nos. 1000-1080], p. 252.1 (Ellen Gould White)

… son, James Edson White, in advancing the cause in its infancy in the Southern field, for I desire that something be done without delay.

369 Manuscript Releases, vol. 13 [Nos. 1000-1080], p. 252.3 (Ellen Gould White)

… Brethren James Edson White and W. O. Palmer for working in the South. I know that these men are bravely bearing responsibilities with true faithfulness and …

370 Manuscript Releases, vol. 14 [Nos. 1081-1135], p. 54.2 (Ellen Gould White)

P.S. Will you write to us? Ellen says, Write soon. Let the children write. We want they should. In hope, James White.— Letter 10, 1850 .

371 Manuscript Releases, vol. 15 [Nos. 1136-1185], p. 65.2 (Ellen Gould White)

… it. James White, in his pamphlet, A Word to the Little Flock, in his first article entitled “The Seven Last Plagues” includes two references to the Apocrypha .

372 Manuscript Releases, vol. 15 [Nos. 1136-1185], p. 66.1 (Ellen Gould White)

It is clear that James White saw some similarities between what Ellen White wrote and some things he had read in Esdras, and so used these references as he did scripture references which he says he supplied .

373 Manuscript Releases, vol. 15 [Nos. 1136-1185]

( Written originally as a letter to James Edson White. )

375 Manuscript Releases, vol. 15 [Nos. 1136-1185]

[ Written November 1, 1850, to Brother and Sister Loveland in Johnston, Vermont. The postscript following Ellen White's name was written by James White. ]

377 Manuscript Releases, vol. 19 [Nos. 1360-1419], p. 185 (Ellen Gould White)

MR No. 1390—Letter to a Discouraged James White; Work in Washington, Iowa

378 Manuscript Releases, vol. 19 [Nos. 1360-1419], p. 366 (Ellen Gould White)

MR No. 1413—Personal News; Love for James White, and Expressions of Strong Confidence in Him

379 Manuscript Releases, vol. 20 [Nos. 1420-1500], p. 204 (Ellen Gould White)

MR No. 1466—Activities During James White's Convalescence

380 Manuscript Releases, vol. 20 [Nos. 1420-1500], p. 224.2 (Ellen Gould White)

… Elder James White and myself made the two safe generals in the work. But neither of these men claimed infallibility.