Search for: , chapter 17

366 Matthew Henry's Concise Bible Commentary, p. 110.2 (Matthew Henry)

… this chapter, but most of these precepts are binding on us, for they are explanations of the ten commandments. It is required that Israel be a holy people, because …

367 Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary, p. 787.1 (Matthew Henry)

… this chapter, and shows that evil pursues sinners. The black cloud that was gathering in the foregoing chapter here bursts in a dreadful storm. Those few Jews …

368 Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary, p. 822.1 (Matthew Henry)

… this chapter is much the same with that of the 17 th, to foretel and lament the ruin of the house of David, the royal family of Judah, in the calamitous exit of the …

369 Thompson Chain Reference, Believers.5

Believers, (John, Chapter 17)

370 Thompson Chain Reference, Canaan, Land Of.27

Canaan, Land Of, Joshua, Chapters 14-17

371 Easton's Bible Dictionary, p. Obadiah, Book of.2 (Matthew G. Easton)

Obadiah, Book of — consists of one chapter, “concerning Edom,” its impending doom ( Obadiah 1-16 ), and the restoration of Israel ( Obadiah 17-21 ). This is the shortest book of the Old Testament.

372 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Acts of the Apostles, 8-12.7

… opening chapters. The other apostles are mentioned also by name ( Acts 1:13 ) and a number of times in the first twelve chapters (and in Acts 15:1 - 41 ). But after Acts …

373 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Agrapha.12

… . 14-17. There is much criticism in Bauer's Das Leben Jesu im Zeitalter der neutestamentlichen Apokryphen, chapter vii. Among smaller works special mention …

374 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Apocalyptic Literature, 1.21

… mutilated chapter, which, while following in the narrative, may yet be only another aspect of the oppression. The Roman officials figure duly as the source …

375 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Apocalyptic Literature, 1.34

… first chapter and the last 17, 15, 16, as by a different hand from the rest of the book. But in addition, he recognizes additions made by a R throughout the book. To …

376 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Apocryphal Acts, the Separate Acts.9

… Baptismo, chapter 17) we learn that the author of the Acts of Paul was "a presbyter of Asia, who wrote the book with the intention of increasing the dignity of …

377 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Apocryphal Acts, the Separate Acts.22

… earlier chapters were we cannot surmise. In Bonnet's reconstruction the first fourteen chapters deal with John's journey from Ephesus to Rome and his …

378 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Archaeology; Archaeology and Criticism.42

… Babylonien, chapter vi; Sayce, Patriarchal Palestine, chapter ii; Winckler, OLZ, December 15, 1906; Budge, History of Egypt, I; Orr, POT, 400-401, 529-30).

379 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Canon of the New Testament.28

… (see chapters 46 and 13); he has been much influenced by the Epistle to the Hebrews (see chapters 9, 10, 17, 19, 36). He knows Romans, Corinthians, and there are found echoes …

380 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Chronology of the Old Testament.37

… the chapters which contain the record ( 2 Kings 18:1 - 37 and Isaiah 36:1 - 22 ) it is evident that two invasions are described. Frequently in the Scriptures records …