Search for: polygamy

341 The Advent Review and Sabbath Herald, vol. 76 November 28, 1899, page 773 paragraph 6

… protects polygamy. The Moros have generally several wives. They are, of course, limited by the Koran to four, and but few have the full number. Besides these wives …

342 The Advent Review and Sabbath Herald, vol. 76 November 28, 1899, page 773 paragraph 8

Polygamy is even more deeply rooted in a Moro, and will disappear only when Islam has lost its hold over him.

343 The Advent Review and Sabbath Herald, vol. 76 December 5, 1899, page 788 paragraph 1

… and polygamy within the jurisdiction of the United States. And, more inventive than any of its contemporaries, it actually drags down the Scriptures to sustain …

344 The Advent Review and Sabbath Herald, vol. 76 December 5, 1899, page 788 paragraph 3

… and polygamy, which are laden only with the curse?

345 The Advent Review and Sabbath Herald, vol. 77 November 27, 1900, page 760 paragraph 4

… practice polygamy and hold slaves, and who are paid ten thousand (Mexican) dollars a year by the United States.

346 The American Sentinel 1 October 1886, page 77 paragraph 5

… practiced polygamy and assassination and called that religion; and will they punish, by fine and imprisonment, civil, orderly Christians who only differ …

347 The American Sentinel 2 April 1887, page 30 paragraph 2

… -murder, polygamy, assassination, and whatever crimes are called religion... The sole object of the promoters [of the Religious Amendment] being to prevent the …

348 The American Sentinel 2 April 1887, page 30 paragraph 9

… -murder, polygamy, assassination, and whatever crimes are called religion.” In this expression the Cynosure shows as great destitution of a knowledge of the …

349 The American Sentinel 2 October 1887, page 77 paragraph 2

… ’ of polygamy and assassination by Danites or Blood Avengers at Salt Lake; or the multitudes of religious murders by the Kofong, Purrow, Bondoo and other religious …

350 The American Sentinel 2 October 1887, page 77 paragraph 4

… ’ of polygamy and assassination by Danites or Blood Avengers at Salt Lake.” To this we can only say as we did before, Does the Cynosure mean seriously to assert …

351 The American Sentinel 5 September 4, 1890, page 273 paragraph 1

… forbidding polygamy, which the Mormons hold as a part of their religion? To many the question appears difficult; but the answer is direct and easy, for the two …

352 The American Sentinel 5 September 4, 1890, page 274 paragraph 4

… wife. Polygamy has its root in the assumed inferiority of women; it cannot live for a moment in an atmosphere of equal rights.

353 The American Sentinel 5 September 4, 1890, page 274 paragraph 5

… right. Polygamy does necessarily invade that right; therefore the State cannot sanction it, but is in duty bound to prohibit it.

354 The American Sentinel 5 September 4, 1890, page 274 paragraph 6

… permit polygamy where all who engage in it do so willingly, the sufficient and just answer is, the State must refuse such permission in justice to those who …

355 The American Sentinel 5 September 4, 1890, page 274 paragraph 9

… prohibit polygamy in general, it should make an exception in favor of those who, from religious motives, desire to practice it. But it has already been shown …

356 The American Sentinel 5 September 4, 1890, page 275 paragraph 1

… of polygamy must inevitably burden the State with numerous wards of unknown paternity. The unavoidable conclusion is, that while polygamy is an invasion …

357 The American Sentinel 5 September 11, 1890, page 281 paragraph 1

… practicing polygamy or not, is only evil; but as polygamy is an essential part of the ism the whole things is doubly evil.

358 The American Sentinel 5 September 11, 1890, page 281 paragraph 2

… of polygamy, shows, and justifies us in saying, that if the Idaho test oath stopped with the prohibition of bigamy and polygamy, no one could have any just cause …

359 The American Sentinel 5 September 11, 1890, page 281 paragraph 4

… or polygamy, or any other crime defined by law as a duty arising or resulting from membership in such order, organization, or association, or which practices …

360 The American Sentinel 5 September 11, 1890, page 282 paragraph 2

… , or polygamy, or any other crime defined by law as a religious duty or otherwise .” Whatever, therefore, the State of Idaho shall define by law to be a crime, whether …