Search for: milk

3541 Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 24 November 1, 1864, page 184 paragraph 40

… W Milk $3, J Sisley $2,50, N Brister $8, S Lane $1, M Bracket $1, M Scott, $1, Ch at Rockton, Ills. $44, D Farrar $3, T Passel $1.

3542 Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 24 November 1, 1864, page 184 paragraph 41

Wm. Lawton $5. W S Fairchild $2,50. A P Lawton $2,50. J A Lawton 50c. F Kittle $2. Edward Lobdell $5. D W Milk $2. John Sisley $2,50. W A McIntosh $10. V B Gaskill $10. Church in Clinton, Mass., $30.

3543 Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 24 November 22, 1864, page 207 paragraph 30

… W Milk 30c, C Walters $4,90, C O Taylor 70c, Isaac Sanborn $5,00, T B Frisbie $4,75, Joseph Clarke $10,00, H Nicola $20,00, C B Deyarmond for J H Waggoner $1,00 John Bostwick …

3545 Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 25 December 6, 1864, page 11 paragraph 4

… from milk-cans, and buttons from the contribution-box. The religion that is to save the world will not put all the big strawberries at the top, and all the bad …

3546 Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 25 February 7, 1865, page 87 paragraph 1

One thoroughly irritable person in a breakfast room spoils coffee and toast, sours milk, and destroys appetite for a whole family. He produces after his kind.”

3547 Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 25 March 7, 1865, page 112 paragraph 19

… W Milk $3,66, N Wardner 20c, T S Gossett $1,50, H Gold $4,15, H Palmer $1,50, J M Buzzard $1,00, P Cornell 20c, P H Cady $2,00.

3548 Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 26 July 11, 1865, page 45 paragraph 14

… sweet milk purchased of a farmer on whose borders we were being refreshed. As we had eaten nothing for eighteen hours, and then only crackers and buns at the …

3549 Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 26 August 22, 1865, page 95 paragraph 7

… sincere milk of word; and with an unprejudiced mind, to carefully examine the evidences of the truth, and without desiring to excuse ourselves, obey. We are …

3550 Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 26 August 29, 1865, page 104 paragraph 22

… W Milk 30c, J H Cottrell 35c, E S Lane $1, M Freeman $1, O B Sevy $1, 25, A Ridgway $1,50, S M Abbott 56c, D Farnum $1,50, M B Phillips $2, S Howland 50, H G Smiley 30c, H W Decker $1.

3551 Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 26 August 29, 1865, page 104 paragraph 23

D W Milk, Chelsea, Mich., $5. A B Underwood, Baconsburg Station, on the Atlantic and Great Western R. R., $5.

3553 Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 26 October 17, 1865, page 154 paragraph 9

… , swill-milk, alcoholic liquors, medicinal bitters, chew, smoke, or snuff tobacco, lie around nights on the wharves, breathe the odors from dirty streets, dirty …

3556 Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 26 November 21, 1865, page 200 paragraph 42

E Lobdell $10,00 E Root $16,67, N Orcutt $5,00, L F Dibble $10,00, D W Milk $6,66, brethren in Monterey$40,00, Oliver and John Mears $16,00.

3557 Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 26 November 21, 1865, page 200 paragraph 43

J P Kellogg $20,00 E Lobdell $10,00, L Poot $8,33, N Orcutt $5,00, D Seely $3,00, L L D bble $4,00, D W Milk $3,34, brethren in Monterey $20,00, Oliver and John Mears $16,00.

3558 Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 27 February 20, 1866, page 94 paragraph 6

… and milk without money and without price.” Oh will you not open the door of your heart and let the lovely Jesus come in a welcome guest before it shall be too late …

3560 Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 27 April 3, 1866, page 140 paragraph 24

… . Bro. Milk was here from Chesaning, and two sisters from Linden. The subject was the three angel’s messages. Wednesday afternoon I preached and celebrated …