Search for: milk
3541 Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 24 November 1, 1864, page 184 paragraph 40
… W Milk $3, J Sisley $2,50, N Brister $8, S Lane $1, M Bracket $1, M Scott, $1, Ch at Rockton, Ills. $44, D Farrar $3, T Passel $1.
3542 Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 24 November 1, 1864, page 184 paragraph 41
Wm. Lawton $5. W S Fairchild $2,50. A P Lawton $2,50. J A Lawton 50c. F Kittle $2. Edward Lobdell $5. D W Milk $2. John Sisley $2,50. W A McIntosh $10. V B Gaskill $10. Church in Clinton, Mass., $30.
3543 Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 24 November 22, 1864, page 207 paragraph 30
… W Milk 30c, C Walters $4,90, C O Taylor 70c, Isaac Sanborn $5,00, T B Frisbie $4,75, Joseph Clarke $10,00, H Nicola $20,00, C B Deyarmond for J H Waggoner $1,00 John Bostwick …
3544 Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 25
D. W. Milk.
3545 Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 25 December 6, 1864, page 11 paragraph 4
… from milk-cans, and buttons from the contribution-box. The religion that is to save the world will not put all the big strawberries at the top, and all the bad …
3546 Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 25 February 7, 1865, page 87 paragraph 1
One thoroughly irritable person in a breakfast room spoils coffee and toast, sours milk, and destroys appetite for a whole family. He produces after his kind.”
3547 Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 25 March 7, 1865, page 112 paragraph 19
… W Milk $3,66, N Wardner 20c, T S Gossett $1,50, H Gold $4,15, H Palmer $1,50, J M Buzzard $1,00, P Cornell 20c, P H Cady $2,00.
3548 Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 26 July 11, 1865, page 45 paragraph 14
… sweet milk purchased of a farmer on whose borders we were being refreshed. As we had eaten nothing for eighteen hours, and then only crackers and buns at the …
3549 Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 26 August 22, 1865, page 95 paragraph 7
… sincere milk of word; and with an unprejudiced mind, to carefully examine the evidences of the truth, and without desiring to excuse ourselves, obey. We are …
3550 Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 26 August 29, 1865, page 104 paragraph 22
… W Milk 30c, J H Cottrell 35c, E S Lane $1, M Freeman $1, O B Sevy $1, 25, A Ridgway $1,50, S M Abbott 56c, D Farnum $1,50, M B Phillips $2, S Howland 50, H G Smiley 30c, H W Decker $1.
3551 Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 26 August 29, 1865, page 104 paragraph 23
D W Milk, Chelsea, Mich., $5. A B Underwood, Baconsburg Station, on the Atlantic and Great Western R. R., $5.
3552 Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 26 September 12, 1865, page 119 paragraph 27
D. W. Milk.
3553 Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 26 October 17, 1865, page 154 paragraph 9
… , swill-milk, alcoholic liquors, medicinal bitters, chew, smoke, or snuff tobacco, lie around nights on the wharves, breathe the odors from dirty streets, dirty …
3554 Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 26 November 14, 1865, page 192 paragraph 26
D W Milk $3,00 29-1 Isadore Green $3,00 28-20.
3555 Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 26 November 21, 1865, page 200 paragraph 17
Yours in love, D. W. Milk.
3556 Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 26 November 21, 1865, page 200 paragraph 42
E Lobdell $10,00 E Root $16,67, N Orcutt $5,00, L F Dibble $10,00, D W Milk $6,66, brethren in Monterey$40,00, Oliver and John Mears $16,00.
3557 Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 26 November 21, 1865, page 200 paragraph 43
J P Kellogg $20,00 E Lobdell $10,00, L Poot $8,33, N Orcutt $5,00, D Seely $3,00, L L D bble $4,00, D W Milk $3,34, brethren in Monterey $20,00, Oliver and John Mears $16,00.
3558 Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 27 February 20, 1866, page 94 paragraph 6
… and milk without money and without price.” Oh will you not open the door of your heart and let the lovely Jesus come in a welcome guest before it shall be too late …
3559 Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 27 March 13, 1866, page 119 paragraph 41
… . W. Milk. Chesaning Mich .
3560 Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 27 April 3, 1866, page 140 paragraph 24
… . Bro. Milk was here from Chesaning, and two sisters from Linden. The subject was the three angel’s messages. Wednesday afternoon I preached and celebrated …