Search for: sodom
3481 The Advent Herald, and Signs of the Times Reporter [Himes], vol. 8 August 28, 1844, page 26 paragraph 2
… of Sodom and her daughters, and the captivity of Samaria and her daughters, then will I bring again the captivity of thy captives, in the midst of thee.” “When thy …
3482 The Advent Herald, and Signs of the Times Reporter [Himes], vol. 8 October 9, 1844, page 74 paragraph 20
… leave Sodom—or the children of Israel to stand all night waiting for their departure out of Egypt—or for Daniel to go into the lion’s den—or the three Hebrews …
3483 The Advent Herald, and Signs of the Times Reporter [Himes], vol. 8 October 16, 1844, page 84 paragraph 21
… leave Sodom—or the children of Israel to stand all night waiting for their departure out of Egypt—or for Daniel to go into the lion’s den—or the three Hebrews …
3484 The Advent Herald, and Signs of the Times Reporter [Himes], vol. 8 October 16, 1844, page 88 paragraph 6
… of Sodom. The wicked manifest the same feelings in New York, Philadelphia and other places. When we consider the rise and progress of this movement, with its …
3485 The Advent Herald, and Signs of the Times Reporter [Himes], vol. 8 October 30, 1844, page 93 paragraph 8
… of Sodom. In New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and other places, the wicked manifested the same feeling, and on Sunday the 13th inst, the Advent meetings in many …
3486 The Advent Herald, and Signs of the Times Reporter [Himes], vol. 8 November 13, 1844, page 108 paragraph 13
… of Sodom; and which, if they proved anything, only proved the Lord could never come. Ridicule and contempt were heaped upon us by grave and reverend divines …
3487 The Advent Herald, and Signs of the Times Reporter [Himes], vol. 8 December 11, 1844, page 142 paragraph 5
… great Sodoms of our country, are caricaturing in the most shameful manner, the “white robes of the saints.” Revelation 6:11. The “going up,” and the great day of “burning …
3488 The Advent Herald, and Signs of the Times Reporter [Himes], vol. 8 January 8, 1845, page 172 paragraph 7
… of Sodom and before the flood, exhorting them to remember Lot’s wife, and assuring them that where two should be in one bed, in the field, or in the mill, the one …
3489 The Advent Herald, and Signs of the Times Reporter [Himes], vol. 8 February 5, 1845, page 203 paragraph 5
As it was in Sodom.—The New York True Sun says—“The rage for dancing in this city may be understood by our readers at a distance, when we inform them that nine balls have taken place consecutively at Tammany Hall, and fifteen more are to succeed.”
3490 The Advent Mirror, vol. 1, no. 1 January 1845, page 2 paragraph 6
… in Sodom—the time for diligence in avoiding the roots of bitterness that may trouble us, and the profanity which may dispose us to barter out birth-right. If …
3491 The Jubilee Standard, vol. 1 April 17, 1845, page 44 paragraph 18
… with Sodom. Some, then, were to know that the day of the world’s visitation was past, and would preach it; and others were to be opposed to such truth from the same …
3492 The Jubilee Standard, vol. 1 April 24, 1845, page 52 paragraph 3
… at Sodom and Gomorrah,) the element will be gloomy with earthquakes and thunderings about an hour or little longer, then the secure people shall say, Look thou …
3493 The Jubilee Standard, vol. 1 June 19, 1845, page 116 paragraph 3
… of Sodom, as there has been since the Passover? Let those who read of the destruction judge for themselves. O that the Lord would rend the heavens and come down …
3494 The Jubilee Standard, vol. 1 June 19, 1845, page 116 paragraph 7
… from Sodom, and the command is, ‘escape for thy life: tarry not in all the plain: look not behind you, Remember Lot’s Wife.’ It is evident God’s people are as separate …
3495 The Jubilee Standard, vol. 1 July 10, 1845, page 139 paragraph 13
… in Sodom, and she might as well have remained there with them, as to act as she did. To such Second Advent believers I would say—have you ever seriously considered …
3496 The Jubilee Standard, vol. 1 July 10, 1845, page 143 paragraph 3
… had gone up before the Lord, and their sin was very grievous, and the Lord came to Abraham, and made known to him that he purposed to destroy it. Now Sodom and …
3497 The Jubilee Standard, vol. 1 August 7, 1845, page 167 paragraph 5
… this Sodom last week, and went into a Hall where I was told the Millerites met to worship God. Of course I expected to find some Christians. Well, praise God, there …
3498 The Advent Testimony, vol. 1 (partial) March 1846, page 7 paragraph 14
… from Sodom; so were we by the Advent Angel and by the Midnight Cry. God smote the one who “looked back” towards Sodom, Jesus tells us that those among the Adventists …
3499 The Present Truth, vol. 1 May 1850, page 74 paragraph 1
… of Sodom. “A short work will the Lord make upon the earth.” “He will cut it short in righteousness. See Romans 9:28 .
3500 The Advent Review, vol. 1 August 1850, page 3 paragraph 1
… of Sodom; and which, if they proved anything, only proved the Lord could never come. Ridicule and contempt were heaped upon us by grave and reverend divines …