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321 Bible History Old Testament Vol. 5, p. 21.1 (Alfred Edersheim)

… fellow-conspirators, Ahithophel proposed to select 12,000 men, make a rapid march, and that very night surprise David’s followers, weary, dispirited, greatly …

322 Bible History Old Testament Vol. 5, p. 32.1 (Alfred Edersheim)

… turbulent conspirators. How, then, could Joab act so unpatriotically, so un-Jewishly, as to wish to destroy a city and a mother in Israel, and to swallow up the …

323 Bible History Old Testament Vol. 5, p. 48.1 (Alfred Edersheim)

… , the conspirators prepared a great sacrificial feast. We know the scene, and we can picture to ourselves that gathering in the shady retreat of the king’s …

324 Bible History Old Testament Vol. 5, p. 49.4 (Alfred Edersheim)

… the conspirators of what had just taken place in Gihon and in the royal palace. And now sudden terror seized those who had but lately been so confident in their …

325 Bible History Old Testament Vol. 5, p. 158.2 (Alfred Edersheim)

… court conspiracy. We know only two of the actors in it: Arza, the steward of the king’s palace (or rather, his major-domo), in whose house Elah was drinking himself …

326 Bible History Old Testament Vol. 5, p. 159.1 (Alfred Edersheim)

… the conspiracy, certain it is that the army was not disposed to acknowledge the new usurper. It immediately proclaimed their general Omri, and under his leadership …

327 Bible History Old Testament Vol. 6, p. 44.1 (Alfred Edersheim)

… fellow-conspirator, and each feel bound to keep the horrible secret. As if some great sin rested upon the city (comp. 1 Samuel 7:6 ), and, in consequence of it, some …

328 Bible History Old Testament Vol. 6, p. 180.3 (Alfred Edersheim)

… formal conspiracy against Joram, now hastily made, was immediately carried out. At the proposal of Jehu, the city gates were watched, lest any fugitive might …

329 Bible History Old Testament Vol. 7, p. 18.2 (Alfred Edersheim)

… cried, “Conspiracy, conspiracy!” while Josephus adds that she called on those present to kill the young king. The appearance and attempted interference of …

330 Bible History Old Testament Vol. 7

Character of Athaliah, of Jehoiada, and of Joash—Lessons of this History—Early Reign of Joash—Repair of the Temple—Death of Jehoiada—Counter-reformation—Murder of Zechariah—Invasion by the Syrians—Conspiracy against Joash—Murder of the King

331 Bible History Old Testament Vol. 7, p. 27.2 (Alfred Edersheim)

… people conspired; and at the command of the king, unmindful not only of his duty to God, but even of the gratitude he owed to his former preserver and counselor …

332 Bible History Old Testament Vol. 7, p. 30.1 (Alfred Edersheim)

… the conspirators, but as marking the real cause of his tragic end.The expression, “as one goeth down to Silla” ( 2 Kings 12:20 ), probably marks a locality, but is difficult …

333 Bible History Old Testament Vol. 7, p. 30.2 (Alfred Edersheim)

… the conspiracy itself was due to the unpopularity which the king had incurred in consequence of the successive national disasters which marked the close …

334 Bible History Old Testament Vol. 7

… Jerusalem—Conspiracy against Amaziah—Flight to Lachish—Murder of the King

335 Bible History Old Testament Vol. 7, p. 50.2 (Alfred Edersheim)

… later conspiracy which cost the king his life ( 2 Chronicles 25:27 ).We mark as significant of the state of Amaziah, that the prophet appeals in his first message …

336 Bible History Old Testament Vol. 7, p. 54.2 (Alfred Edersheim)

… . The conspirators from Jerusalem followed the king, and his dead body was brought back to Jerusalem—perhaps in the very chariot in which he had made his escape …

337 Bible History Old Testament Vol. 7, p. 63.1 (Alfred Edersheim)

… political conspiracy against the prophet, Amos was obliged to withdraw into Judah ( Amos 7:10-13 ). Here he wrote down his prophetic utterances, prefacing them …

338 Bible History Old Testament Vol. 7, p. 75.2 (Alfred Edersheim)

… . A conspiracy by one Shallum, not otherwise known, issued, not in the private assassination, but in the public murder of the king.Josephus (Ant. ix. 11, 1) describes …

339 Bible History Old Testament Vol. 7, p. 77.1 (Alfred Edersheim)

… military conspiracy headed by Pekah, the son of Remaliah, probably one of the captains of the king’s bodyguard.The account which we have given is confirmed …

340 Bible History Old Testament Vol. 7, p. 105.3 (Alfred Edersheim)

… attempted “conspiracy” became known to Shalmaneser. He turned against Hoshea, who in the meantime had ceased to pay his tribute, seized and cast him into prison …