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3241 The Present Truth, vol. 11 July 4, 1895, page 421 paragraph 5

… sincere milk of the Word, that ye may grow thereby; if so be ye have tasted that the Lord is gracious. To whom coming, as unto a living stone, disallowed indeed of …

3242 The Present Truth, vol. 11 July 25, 1895, page 466 paragraph 2

… and milk without money and without price. Wherefore do ye spend money for that which is not bread? and you labour for that which satisfieth not? hearken diligently …

3243 The Present Truth, vol. 11 August 1, 1895, page 484 paragraph 7

… sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby; if so be ye have tasted that the Lord is gracious.” 1 Peter 2:1-3 .

3244 The Present Truth, vol. 11 August 15, 1895, page 526 paragraph 1

… , hot milk, hot water and milk, or some form of the grain coffees (made from wheat or other cereal) may seem insipid to an appetite under the control of the stimulants …

3245 The Present Truth, vol. 11 October 10, 1895, page 654 paragraph 1

-In Berkshire the dairyman get 1? d. per quart for the milk that sells at 4d. in London.

3246 The Present Truth, vol. 11 October 24, 1895, page 676 paragraph 11

… ? that milk, or water, or tea may be used if one wishes?”—Not by any means. Neither do we wish to be considered as quibbling over the omission of the word “wine.” We wish …

3247 The Present Truth, vol. 11 October 24, 1895, page 686 paragraph 8

-Owing, it is said, to the poor quality of the crops on which the dairy farmer relies for feed for his cows, the yield of milk, butter, and cheese this year is nearly eight million pounds sterling less than last year.

3248 The Present Truth, vol. 11 November 7, 1895, page 706 paragraph 3

… sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby; if so be ye have tasted that the Lord is gracious. To whom coming, as unto a living stone, disallowed indeed of …

3249 The Present Truth, vol. 11 December 12, 1895, page 798 paragraph 1

-Nearly 70,000 gallons of fresh milk and cream were imported from Holland into Great Britain last year.

3250 The Present Truth, vol. 12 June 4, 1896, page 366 paragraph 6

-Locusts, rinderpest, drought, and war are devastating a considerable portion of Africa. At the present rate, by the time it comes to be divided, it will not be a land of milk and honey.

3251 The Present Truth, vol. 12 June 11, 1896, page 370 paragraph 8

… the milk of human kindness, so that a man’s foes are found to be those of his own household. Thus the corrupt nature of man conspires with the originator of all …

3252 The Present Truth, vol. 12 July 30, 1896, page 496 paragraph 4

… crying milk for sale on Sunday. The old law still has vitality enough, and the disposition to use it is being manifested more than formerly.

3253 The Present Truth, vol. 12 August 27, 1896, page 549 paragraph 7

… with milk and honey; unto the place of the Canaanites, and the Hittites, and the Amorites, and the Perizzites, and the Hivites, and the Jebusites. Now therefore …

3254 The Present Truth, vol. 12 August 27, 1896, page 558 paragraph 2

… grains, milk, and fruits, leaving off all flesh foods. This diet will materially diminish the gastric juices, which will be a benefit to this class of patients …

3255 The Present Truth, vol. 12 October 22, 1896, page 686 paragraph 11

-London’s milk bill is computed at ?1,500,000 per year, and of this it is said that at least between ?70,000 and ?80,000 has been paid for water-with which dishonest dealers have diluted their milk.

3256 The Present Truth, vol. 12 December 3, 1896, page 784 paragraph 9

Two milk-carriers were called before the Lambeth Police Court last week for crying and selling their milk on Sunday. The action was taken by the Quiet Sunday …

3257 The Present Truth, vol. 12 December 31, 1896, page 836 paragraph 1

… with milk and honey. And their children, whom He raised up in their stead, them Joshua circumcised; because they had not circumcised them by the way. And it came …

3258 The Present Truth, vol. 12 December 31, 1896, page 839 paragraph 1

… . The milk, the beef, the leather, and the transport of the country were all destroyed. Faring southward, the rinderpest struck Khama’s country, a land which is …

3259 The Present Truth, vol. 13 March 4, 1897, page 144 paragraph 12

… “sincere milk of the Word.” And Paul, warning of the very apostasy which developed into the Papacy, commended the brethren “to God and to the Word of His grace.”

3260 The Present Truth, vol. 13 June 17, 1897, page 382 paragraph 3

… of milk in it, sit down for five minutes, and then begin slowly to eat, masticating thoroughly. In a little while the vigour of the stomach will come back, and all …