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3201 The Present Truth, vol. 9 April 6, 1893, page 103 paragraph 4
… offence. Milk dealers, and chemists selling medicines are excluded. The proposer said that the clause was specially aimed at the sale of newspapers and oysters …
3202 The Present Truth, vol. 9 May 4, 1893, page 131 paragraph 12
“3. The administration of milk and honey in baptism, as typifying the blessings of the Heavenly Canaan.
3203 The Present Truth, vol. 9 May 18, 1893, page 158 paragraph 28
… the milk production of the chief countries of Europe as follows, in kilo litres: Germany, 14,218,000,000; France, 10,117,000,000; England, 8,925,000,000 …
3204 The Present Truth, vol. 9 June 29, 1893, page 295 paragraph 9
How much will it cost? “Ho, everyone that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money; come ye, buy, and eat; yea, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price .”
3205 The Present Truth, vol. 9 July 6, 1893, page 221 paragraph 3
… be milked. In tiny streams they find pretty stones and pebbles, and many queer little animals and fish, besides the ducks and geese that love to float upon the …
3206 The Present Truth, vol. 9 August 3, 1893, page 277 paragraph 11
… sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby; if so be ye have tasted that the Lord is gracious. To whom coming, as unto a living stone, disallowed indeed of …
3207 The Present Truth, vol. 9 August 3, 1893, page 286 paragraph 17
-Cases of cholera continue to occur in the South of France. A German says the cholera bacillus will live three days in milk, eight days on cooked meat, and one day on bread-and-butter.
3208 The Present Truth, vol. 9 August 17, 1893, page 315 paragraph 4
“With plenty of good milk,” you say.
3209 The Present Truth, vol. 9 August 17, 1893, page 315 paragraph 5
That’s true. Nothing can make it grow like pure milk. If the milk is mixed with other things that are not good, the baby will soon become ill, and will die.
3210 The Present Truth, vol. 9 August 17, 1893, page 315 paragraph 6
Well, suppose your baby brother has all the good milk he can eat for once, and then you should not give him any more, what would happen?
3211 The Present Truth, vol. 9 August 17, 1893, page 315 paragraph 14
… heavenly milk to make you grow in the heavenly life, just as much as the little babe needs earthly milk to make it grow strong in the earthly life.
3212 The Present Truth, vol. 9 August 17, 1893, page 315 paragraph 15
What is the heavenly milk?
3213 The Present Truth, vol. 9 August 17, 1893, page 315 paragraph 16
The Lord says, “As newborn babes, desire the sincere [pure, unadulterated] milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby.” We see, therefore, that the heavenly milk is the pure, unmixed word of God.
3214 The Present Truth, vol. 9 August 17, 1893, page 316 paragraph 4
But the little baby does not understand how the milk can make its body grow. It just eats and eats and grows, as a little plant,-it knows not how, and we know not how.
3215 The Present Truth, vol. 9 August 17, 1893, page 316 paragraph 5
Thus the Lord wants you to take His living words into your heart every day, as trustfully and as faithfully as the little baby takes its milk, and His promise is, ye shall grow thereby. Men’s words will not do, God’s words alone can make you grow.
3216 The Present Truth, vol. 9 August 17, 1893, page 316 paragraph 6
… the milk of God’s word every day. Just as surely as you forget for one day to feed on God’s word, you will be too weak that day to overcome the temptations of Satan …
3217 The Present Truth, vol. 9 August 17, 1893, page 316 paragraph 8
Then let us not be content with being born again. There will be no dwarfs in the kingdom of God. We must also feed on heavenly milk that we may grow .
3218 The Present Truth, vol. 9 October 12, 1893, page 446 paragraph 1
Those ugly ink spots on your carpet may be removed with salt and milk. Pour on plenty of salt, rubbing it in well with your finger. Then pour on a little milk and rub it again. The ink will disappear as if by magic. Try it.
3219 The Present Truth, vol. 9 November 30, 1893, page 551 paragraph 6
… simple “milk of the word,” is provided in the Gospel of Christ. From the condition of a babe, he must pass to that of the full stature of manhood in Christ; and this …
3220 The Present Truth, vol. 10 January 4, 1894, page 17 paragraph 4
“Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money; come ye, buy and eat; yea, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price.” Isaiah 55:1 .