Search for: william miller

301 The Gift of Prophecy, p. 252.1 (Dr. Alberto Timm & Dwain Esmond)

… of William Miller and the Millerites, Who Mistakenly Believed That the Second Coming of Christ Would Take Place in the Year 1844 (Washington, D.C.: Review and …

302 The Gift of Prophecy, p. 255.2 (Dr. Alberto Timm & Dwain Esmond)

… to William Miller in 1846. He pointed out that when Ellen White’s visions were “received as from the Lord” they “broke down and melted their hearts like little …

303 The Gift of Prophecy, p. 256.1 (Dr. Alberto Timm & Dwain Esmond)

… to William Miller, Apr. 20, 1846.

304 The Gift of Prophecy, p. 304.4 (Dr. Alberto Timm & Dwain Esmond)

… that William Miller had previously advocated. Rather than endorsing an allegorical interpretation of Scripture, Ellen G. White follows a literal interpretation …

305 The Gift of Prophecy, p. 305.3 (Dr. Alberto Timm & Dwain Esmond)

… associate William Miller too quickly with a rationalistic hermeneutic (see recently Jeff Crocombe, “A Feast of Reason—The Legacy of William Miller on Seventh …

306 The Gift of Prophecy, p. 331.2 (Dr. Alberto Timm & Dwain Esmond)

… of William Miller. These works were very familiar to Adventist audiences. Interestingly, before she published The Great Controversy, she recommended D’Aubigne’s …

307 The Gift of Prophecy, p. 359.2 (Dr. Alberto Timm & Dwain Esmond)

… of William Miller, who were looking for Jesus to return around 1844. Still suffering from the aftereffects of her injury, Ellen was unable to go out and share …

308 The Gift of Prophecy (The Role of Ellen White in God’s Remnant Church), p. 48.1 (Ellen Gould White)

… heard William Miller lecturing in Portland and accepted his views that Christ would return to earth about the year 1843. 1844 One morning in December 1844 …

309 The Gift of Prophecy (The Role of Ellen White in God’s Remnant Church), p. 81.3 (Ellen Gould White)

… with William Miller. He first articulated his understanding in 1836, in a lecture on the parable of the ten virgins. In that parable, when the five foolish virgins …

310 101 Questions on the Sanctuary and on Ellen White, p. 15.8 (Robert W. Olson)

Who first worked out this explanation? Was it William Miller?

312 101 Questions on the Sanctuary and on Ellen White, p. 58.4 (Robert W. Olson)

… to William Miller, April 20, 1846, White Estate Document File #439b.

313 Advent Experience, p. 14.3 (George Ide Butler)

… that William Miller and other ministers and leading men for a few months fully believed that their work for the world was done. They were looking for the Lord …

314 Advent Experience, p. 17.6 (George Ide Butler)

… Adventists—William Miller, J. V. Himes, S. Bliss; A. Hale, J. Marsh, J. B. Cook, and many others.

315 Advent Experience, p. 26.6 (George Ide Butler)

… with William Miller and the great mass of Adventists immediately after the passing of the time, that their work for the world was done, and that the Lord would …

316 Another Look At Israel Damman, p. 8.3 (James R. Nix)

… , including William Miller himself, held to a total shut door for the conversion of sinners (Miller would change his mind the following month). As is well known …

317 Can All Be Prophets?, p. 1.6 (Ellen Gould White)

Of William Miller she wrote:

318 Charismatic Experiences In Early Seventh-day Adventist History, p. 5.6 (Arthur Lacey White)

… under William Miller’s leadership. He was a man of means, but had dedicated his material resources to the spreading of the message. When the time of the expected …

319 A Critique of the Book Prophetess of Health, p. 42.13 (Ellen G. White Estate)

There is ample evidence, also, that many miracles of healing were experienced among the Sabbathkeeping Adventists during that period. In a letter to William Miller, Otis Nichols said of Ellen Harmon during her very early ministry—1845-1846: