Search for: melchizedek

301 Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary, p. 26.12 (Matthew Henry)

… think Melchizedek was now consulted as an oracle, or perhaps some Urim or Teraphim were now used to enquire of God by, as afterwards in the breast-plate of judgment …

302 Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary, p. 26.17 (Matthew Henry)

… of Melchizedek, or Heber, as some understand it, to be taught by them divine things. And this was that son of Isaac on whom the covenant was entailed.

303 Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary, p. 198.3 (Matthew Henry)

… from Melchizedek, king of righteousness; but, notwithstanding the goodness of his name and family, it seems he was a bad man, and an implacable enemy to the posterity …

304 Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary, p. 227.12 (Matthew Henry)

… , as Melchizedek did Abram, to atone for the injury they had done him; but so little notice did they take of their deliverer that he was ready to perish for want …

306 Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary, p. 589.3 (Matthew Henry)

… of Melchizedek, and in him of Christ, by this, that so great a man as Abraham was paid him tithes ( Hebrews 7:4 ), so we may be this prove the dignity of the Lord Jesus …

307 Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary, p. 589.15 (Matthew Henry)

… priesthood. Melchizedek was a priest upon his throne, so is Christ ( Zechariah 6:13 ), king of righteousness and king of peace. Melchizedek had no successor, nor …

308 Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary, p. 779.18 (Matthew Henry)

… , as Melchizedek. 2. In a settled gospel ministry. While there are faithful ministers to preside in religious assemblies, and to offer up the spiritual sacrifices …

309 Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary, p. 918.5 (Matthew Henry)

… of Melchizedek, who was both a king and a priest. Joshua was far from being ambitious of a crown, and the people of having a crowned head over them; but the prophet …

310 Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary, p. 1005.39 (Matthew Henry)

… of Melchizedek, who was without descent, and his goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting, Micah 5:2. But then it is not true that as for this man they …

311 Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary, p. 1006.162 (Matthew Henry)

… in Melchizedek one made like unto the Son of God, and a priest for ever; he saw an appearance of Jehovah, attended with two angels, in the plains of Mamre. In the …

312 Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary, p. 1015.106 (Matthew Henry)

… (like Melchizedek), a king-priest. (2.) It intimates his particular authority in this matter; he had a power to give eternal life ( John 17:2 ), and, pursuant to that power …

313 Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary, p. 1021.39 (Matthew Henry)

… to Melchizedek ), if what he says, as in his own person, be not applicable to himself (as it is plain that it is not), we must conclude it points to that son of his that …

314 Nave's Topical Index, Abraham.14

Abraham, Is blessed by Melchizedek Genesis 14:18; Hebrews 7:1;

315 Nave's Topical Index, Jerusalem.40

Jerusalem, Melchizedek was the ancient king and priest of Genesis 14:18;

317 Nave's Topical Index, Melchizedek.3

Melchizedek, King of Salem Genesis 14:18; Psalm 110:4;

318 Nave's Topical Index, Melchizedek.4

Melchizedek, A priest and type of Christ Hebrews 5:6; 6:20; 7:1-21;

319 Nave's Topical Index, Tithes.3

Tithes, Paid by Abraham to Melchizedek Genesis 14:20; Hebrews 7:2;

320 Nave's Topical Index, Wine.22

Wine, Given by Melchizedek to Abraham Genesis 14:18;