Search for: antichrist

302 History of the Reformation, vol. 4, p. 605.12 (Jean-Henri Merle D'aubigné)

… . When Antichrist gained the upperhand throughout the world, in the east by Mahomet, in the west by the pope, he was able to keep the people in unity of error. God …

304 History of the Reformation, vol. 4, p. 643.5 (Jean-Henri Merle D'aubigné)

… than Antichrist himself (i.e. the pope).”—“The hand of the magistrate strikes with the sword, but the hand of Christ heals. Christ has not said,—If thy brother will …

305 History of the Reformation, vol. 5, p. 700.4 (Jean-Henri Merle D'aubigné)

… than antichrists, and their culpability is in proportion to their dignity. Although the chief of the angels should order me to commit such a sin, I would refuse …

306 History of the Reformation, vol. 5, p. 705.3 (Jean-Henri Merle D'aubigné)

… one antichrist. Being now in opposition to the pope, Wickliffe was soon to confess that Christ alone was king of the church; and that it is not possible for a …

307 History of the Reformation, vol. 5, p. 711.2 (Jean-Henri Merle D'aubigné)

… adversaries. “Antichrist,” said he, “can only kill the body.” Having one foot in the grave already, he foretold that, from the very bosom of monkery, would some day …

308 History of the Reformation, vol. 5, p. 713.2 (Jean-Henri Merle D'aubigné)

… great antichrist.” Henry thrust aside Cobham’s hand as he presented his confession of faith: “I will not receive this paper, lay it before your judges.” When he …

309 History of the Reformation, vol. 5, p. 725.4 (Jean-Henri Merle D'aubigné)

… called Antichrist,” the bishop of London, assisted by the bishops of Durham and Lincoln, declared Hun guilty of heresy, and on the 20th December his dead body …

310 History of the Reformation, vol. 5, p. 730.1 (Jean-Henri Merle D'aubigné)

… frightful antichrists! If this book be tolerated it will be the death of the papacy!”—“We must drive this man from the university,” said one. “We must turn him out …

312 History of the Reformation, vol. 5, p. 740.3 (Jean-Henri Merle D'aubigné)

… goodness. Antichrist turneth the tree of salvation topsy-turvy: he planteth the branches, and setteth the roots upwards. We must put it straight As the husband …

313 History of the Reformation, vol. 5, p. 742.1 (Jean-Henri Merle D'aubigné)

… very Antichrist, whom the Scripture speaketh of? But beware what you say That knowledge may cost you your life.” This doctrine of Antichrist, which Luther was …

314 History of the Reformation, vol. 5, p. 742.6 (Jean-Henri Merle D'aubigné)

… of Antichrist, the Epistle to the Galatians, the Appeal to the German nobility, and above all, the Babylonish Captivity of the Church —all crossed the sea, were …

315 History of the Reformation, vol. 5, p. 780.5 (Jean-Henri Merle D'aubigné)

… “bloody antichrist,” says the chronicler. On his head glittered the hat of which Barnes had spoken so ill; around him were thirty-six bishops, abbots, priors, and …

316 History of the Reformation, vol. 5

… of Antichrist—The English obtain a new Document—Fresh Stratagem—Demand of a second Cardinal-legate—The Pope’s new Expedient—End of the Campaign

317 History of the Reformation, vol. 5, p. 799.2 (Jean-Henri Merle D'aubigné)

… of Antichrist. “Antichrist,” said he in the latter treatise, “is not a man that should suddenly appear with wonders; he is a spiritual thing, who was in the Old Testament …

318 The History of the Waldenses, p. 55.1 (James Aitken Wylie)

… of Antichrist. We love you as brethren.”

319 The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah—Book IV, p. 307.1 (Alfred Edersheim)

… the Antichrist; would He bring salvation to the world, or entail ruin on His own nation? Conquer or be destroyed? Was it only one more in the long list of delusions …

320 Luther on Galatians, p. 14.2 (Martin Luther)

… though Antichrist reigns there. So much for the title of the epistle. Now follows the greeting of the apostle.