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301 The Advent Review, vol. 1 August 1850, page 11 paragraph 2
… Eld. Storrs presumptous confessions. Certainly, if Eld. Storrs was wrong in 1844, many of those who reproved him, are as wrong in 1850, and need the same reproof …
302 The Advent Review, vol. 1 August 1850, page 11 paragraph 3
There must be a wrong somehow or somewhere, (we will not try to tell how nor where it lies,) in some of the published communications of our dear Bro. Storrs, since “the 10th day of the 7th month.” We judge thus:
303 The Advent Review, vol. 1 August 1850, page 11 paragraph 4
… Bro. Storrs’ articles, with manifest triumph and rejoicing, and in some instances high encomiums on the writer. They have been the most effectual weapons used …
304 The Advent Review, vol. 1 August 1850, page 11 paragraph 5
… Bro. Storrs’ avowed opposers and persecutors, have so far as we have a knowledge, become his warm friends and admirers. It is heard in our streets from the lips …
305 The Advent Review, vol. 1 August 1850, page 11 paragraph 6
… Bro. Storrs. We have and still do love him as a brother: we have loved no one more. Hence it is doubly painful to speak as we do. But duty to him and others, and the bleeding …
306 The Advent Review, vol. 1 August 1850, page 11 paragraph 7
Dear Bro. Storrs - A note of yours published in “The Morning Watch,” of Jan. 30, which was read to me while confined to my bed by sickness, has produced upon my mind a class of feelings which prompts me to make a brief reply.
307 The Advent Review, vol. 1 August 1850, page 12 paragraph 5
… Brother Storrs, that he had done wrong in advising the brethren to abandon their worldly business. It seems to me that he did not do wrong - it does not follow …
308 The Advent Review, vol. 1 1850, page 10 paragraph 10
… Bro. Storrs has made a bad matter worse, and if his gourd in the east side of Philadelphia does not in the end fail him, he will not be as unfortunate as poor Jonah …
309 The Advent Review, vol. 1 1850, page 11 paragraph 1
… Eld. Storrs presumptous confessions. Certainly, if Eld. Storrs was wrong in 1844, many of those who reproved him, are as wrong in 1850, and need the same reproof …
310 The Advent Review, vol. 1 1850, page 11 paragraph 2
There must be a wrong somehow or somewhere, (we will not try to tell how nor where it lies,) in some of the published communications of our dear Bro. Storrs, since “the 10th day of the 7th month.” We judge thus:
311 The Advent Review, vol. 1 1850, page 11 paragraph 4
… Bro. Storrs’ avowed opposers and persecutors, have so far as we have a knowledge, become his warm friends and admirers. It is heard in our streets from the lips …
312 The Advent Review, vol. 1 1850, page 11 paragraph 5
… Bro. Storrs. We have and still do love him as a brother: we have loved no one more. Hence it is doubly painful to speak as we do. But duty to him and others, and the bleeding …
313 The Advent Review, vol. 1 1850, page 11 paragraph 6
Dear Bro. Storrs - A note of yours published in “The Morning Watch,” of Jan. 30, which was read to me while confined to my bed by sickness, has produced upon my mind a class of feelings which prompts me to make a brief reply.
314 The Advent Review, vol. 1 1850, page 12 paragraph 5
… Brother Storrs, that he had done wrong in advising the brethren to abandon their worldly business. It seems to me that he did not do wrong - it does not follow …
315 Second Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 1 July 9, 1851, page 98 paragraph 7
… , Fitch, Storrs, Hale, Bliss, and many others, presenting the evidences that Christ would come in 1843, were scattered far and wide. And we had many reasons for supposing …
316 The Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 3 September 16, 1852, page 78 paragraph 5
… Bro. Storrs’ last discourse he heartily embraced the doctrine, and said he should henceforth teach it.” Here I will say, that I have no recollection of saying …
317 The Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 3 December 23, 1852, page 126 paragraph 2
Daniel 2. - BY GEO. STORRS.
318 The Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 3
BY GEO. STORRS [Concluded.]
319 The Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 3 February 17, 1853, page 154 paragraph 13
[THE evidence presented on this subject by Bro. Andrews is conclusive. We give the following extract from the exposition of Daniel 8, by Geo. Storrs, published in 1843. It shows the position then taken by the whole Advent body.]
320 The Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 3 February 17, 1853, page 160 paragraph 34
… Geo. Storrs, and published in the Midnight-Cry in 1843. The article is excellent. It was with reluctance that we divided it, but it was necessary on account of …