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301 Child Guidance, p. 143.5 (Ellen Gould White)

Teach It by Precept and Example —Children, as well as those of older years, are exposed to temptations; and the older members of the family should give them, by …

302 Child Guidance, p. 145.1 (Ellen Gould White)

True Graces —A child's truest graces consist in modesty and obedience—in attentive ears to hear the words of direction, in willing feet and hands to walk and …

303 Child Guidance, p. 146.5 (Ellen Gould White)

Educate the soul to cheerfulness, to thankfulness, and to the expression of gratitude to God for the great love wherewith He hath loved us.... Christian cheerfulness is the very beauty of holiness. The Youth's Instructor, July 11, 1895 .

304 Child Guidance, p. 157.1 (Ellen Gould White)

… , January 5, 1893 .

305 Child Guidance, p. 165.5 (Ellen Gould White)

God gives us strength, reasoning power, time, in order that we may build characters on which He can place His stamp of approval. He desires each child of His to …

306 Child Guidance, p. 166.2 (Ellen Gould White)

He who would grow into a beautiful building for the Lord must cultivate every power of the being. It is only by the right use of the talents that the character …

308 Child Guidance, p. 172.5 (Ellen Gould White)

The Creator Will Help You —Mothers, remember that in your work the Creator of the universe will give you help. In His strength, and through His name, you can lead …

309 Child Guidance, p. 182.1 (Ellen Gould White)

By a Lack of Piety at Home —In professedly Christian homes, where fathers and mothers would be supposed to be diligent students of the Scriptures, in order …

310 Child Guidance, p. 184.5 (Ellen Gould White)

Shun Superficiality —We are living in an age when almost everything is superficial. There is but little stability and firmness of character, because the …

311 Child Guidance, p. 193.5 (Ellen Gould White)

First Impressions Are Seldom Forgotten —Neither infants, children, or youth should hear an impatient word from father, mother, or any member of the household …

312 Child Guidance, p. 194.5 (Ellen Gould White)

Do Not Postpone This Work —Many neglect their duty during the first years of their children's lives, thinking that when they get older, they will then be very …

313 Child Guidance, p. 201.3 (Ellen Gould White)

Small Actions Are Important —Every course of action has a twofold character and importance. It is virtuous or vicious, right or wrong, according to the motive …

314 Child Guidance, p. 202.2 (Ellen Gould White)

… , December 5, 1899 .

315 Child Guidance, p. 202.5 (Ellen Gould White)

In childhood and youth the character is most impressible. The power of self-control should then be acquired. By the fireside and at the family board, influences …

316 Child Guidance, p. 210.5 (Ellen Gould White)

Lead; Never Drive —Allow the children under your care to have an individuality, as well as yourselves. Ever try to lead them, but never drive them. Testimonies For The Church 5:653 .

318 Child Guidance, p. 219.4 (Ellen Gould White)

Stamping the Image of the Divine —You must instruct, warn, and counsel, ever remembering that your looks, words, and actions have a direct bearing upon the future …

319 Child Guidance, p. 237.5 (Ellen Gould White)

Overcome Natural Spirit of Obstinacy —Some children are naturally more obstinate than others and will not yield to discipline, and in consequence they …

320 Child Guidance, p. 245.5 (Ellen Gould White)

And think you that God takes no cognizance of the way in which these children are corrected? He knows, and He knows also what might be the blessed results if the work of correction were done in a way to win rather than to repel....