Search for: "last generation"

301 General Conference Daily Bulletin, vol. 3 October 24, 1889, page 74 paragraph 3

… the last generation to these isolated people? When are we to be aroused to a sense of the obligation resting upon us, and take hold of the work in a way worthy …

302 General Conference Daily Bulletin, vol. 3 October 29, 1889, page 105 paragraph 4

… the last generation. And a work so solemn, close, and searching in its nature, will not permit any double-mindedness on the part of its adherents, no division …

303 General Conference Daily Bulletin, vol. 8 February 21, 1899, page 41 paragraph 4

… this last generation. No other system of education is either profitable or Christian.

304 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 1 December 1895, page 615 paragraph 5

… this last generation? If signs and wonders were necessary to move men from sin at that time, are they not needed to-day? If multitudes could be moved to believe …

305 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 3 October 1, 1899, page 78 paragraph 5

… the last generation of mankind upon earth. The pious of preceding generations were not candidates, though they may have been animated by the comforting …

306 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 3 October 1, 1899, page 78 paragraph 7

… the last generation can be candidates for translation, for they alone of all true believers will be alive when Christ comes. We, the remnant people of God, living …

307 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 3 October 1, 1899, page 84 paragraph 4

… the last generation of men; a work of grace accomplished for a class of people in whose hearts the deadly up as of sin has nearly reached its climax.

308 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 3 October 1, 1899, page 84 paragraph 6

… this last generation of sinners. In these very persons in whom the virus of sin has become so strong, in spite of all that heredity, habits, environment, and all …

309 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 3 October 1, 1899, page 90 paragraph 4

… the last generation. “Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples; and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come …

310 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 3 July 1, 1900, page 167 paragraph 3

… the last generation of men, and this message is especially given of God to fit a people for translation. Every truth, therefore, which the Word of God teaches …

311 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 4 April 3, 1901, page 32 paragraph 10

… the last generation, when God would gather together a remnant people. May the Lord help us to be among that people.

312 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 4 April 11, 1901, page 189 paragraph 18

… this last generation. This great truth with reference to the cleansing of these soul-temples has specially come out in this last generation. Brother Loughborough …

313 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 4 April 11, 1901, page 190 paragraph 2

… this last generation the most outrageous things from a physical standpoint were considered perfectly orthodox. But that kind of body could not be taken …

314 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 4 October 1, 1901, page 583 paragraph 3

… the last generation the Lord has sent a flood of light to this people on the subject of proper training of children. This was to fit us to fulfill the prophecy …

315 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 5 March 30, 1903, page 5 paragraph 3

Prophecies that say that in this last generation there shall be those who have professed to be servants of God, professed believers of His truth, who shall begin to say in their hearts, “My Lord delayeth His coming.”

317 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 5 March 30, 1903, page 5 paragraph 10

… the last generation; but how long shall this generation continue? Shall those who are mere children now take up the cry, and expect to come upon the stage of …

318 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 5 March 30, 1903, page 6 paragraph 5

… the last generation, and this is the last end of the last generation. Anything that tends to delay longer, anything that tends to confuse the mind, anything …

319 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 5 March 31, 1903, page 25 paragraph 4

… the last generation has come upon the stage of action, that the hour of God’s judgment has arrived, that the last great movement of the church has been started …

320 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 5 April 2, 1903, page 51 paragraph 7

generation, but the mere fact is not enough. It does not save from sin or deliver from the power of sin, to know the fact that this is the last generation, to know …