Search for: melchizedek

293 Matthew Henry's Concise Bible Commentary, p. 15.1 (Matthew Henry)

The battle of the kings, Lot is taken prisoner. (1-12) Abram rescues Lot. (13-16) Melchizedek blesses Abram. (17-20) Abram restores the spoil. (21-24)

294 Matthew Henry's Concise Bible Commentary, p. 15.4 (Matthew Henry)

… -20 Melchizedek is spoken of as a king of Salem, supposed to be the place afterwards called Jerusalem, and it is generally thought that he was only a man. The words …

295 Matthew Henry's Concise Bible Commentary, p. 589.2 (Matthew Henry)

… of Melchizedek, which was before that of Aaron, and on many accounts superior to it, and a more lively representation of Christ's priesthood. Christ's sitting …

296 Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary, p. 15.14 (Matthew Henry)

… of Melchizedek is briefly related, concerning whom observe,

297 Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary, p. 15.15 (Matthew Henry)

… that Melchizedek’s did. 3. The most commonly received opinion is that Melchizedek was a Canaanitish prince, that reigned in Salem, and kept up the true religion …

298 Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary, p. 15.18 (Matthew Henry)

… to Melchizedek, by way of return for his tokens of respect. Note, Those that receive kindness should show kindness. Gratitude is one of nature’s laws. 2. As an …

299 Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary, p. 15.22 (Matthew Henry)

… that Melchizedek had just now used, Genesis 14:19. Note, It is good to learn of others how to order our speech concerning God, and to imitate those who speak well …

300 Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary, p. 25.12 (Matthew Henry)

… of Melchizedek) are related in few words. Thus God conceals that which is curious from the wise and prudent, reveals to babes that which is common and level …