Search for: antichrist

281 History of the Reformation, vol. 2, p. 205.6 (Jean-Henri Merle D'aubigné)

… real Antichrist spoken of in Scripture. And if he would not discontinue publicly to proscribe the faith of the Church, then let even the temporal sword resist …

282 History of the Reformation, vol. 2, p. 207.6 (Jean-Henri Merle D'aubigné)

… , an antichrist, an adversary, an oppressor of Holy Scripture, who dares set his own words in opposition to the Word of God; fourthly, as a despiser, a calumniator …

283 History of the Reformation, vol. 2, p. 209.1 (Jean-Henri Merle D'aubigné)

… of Antichrist. They are deceivers who pretend that you have no authority over priests. That same spirit which animated Jehu against the priest of Baal, urges …

284 History of the Reformation, vol. 2

Luther on Confession—Real Absolution—Antichrist—Luther’s Popularity—Satires—Ulrich of Hutten—Lucas Cranach—The Carnival at Wittenberg—Staupitz intimidated—Luther’s Labors—His Humility—Progress of the Reformation

285 History of the Reformation, vol. 2, p. 215.2 (Jean-Henri Merle D'aubigné)

… of Antichrist, predicted and described in the Bible, was the Papacy. “I know for certain,” said he in conclusion, “that our Lord Jesus Christ lives and reigns. Strong …

286 History of the Reformation, vol. 2, p. 215.3 (Jean-Henri Merle D'aubigné)

… was Antichrist whom they beheld seated on the pontifical throne. This new idea, which derived greater strength from the prophetic descriptions launched …

287 History of the Reformation, vol. 2, p. 216.4 (Jean-Henri Merle D'aubigné)

… and Antichrist, a set of engravings which represented on one side the glory and magnificence of the pope, and on the other the humiliation and sufferings …

288 History of the Reformation, vol. 2, p. 292.5 (Jean-Henri Merle D'aubigné)

… of Antichrist can never do more than gnash their teeth at you!” From the farthest parts of Germany came voices proclaiming him with joy—”the glory of reviving …

289 History of the Reformation, vol. 3, p. 314.4 (Jean-Henri Merle D'aubigné)

… of Antichrist, and urging them in pursuit of poor souls?” A young hare was taken: delighted at the prospect of liberating it, he wrapped it carefully in his cloak …

290 History of the Reformation, vol. 3, p. 363.8 (Jean-Henri Merle D'aubigné)

… that Antichrist entered Rome the very day when Constantine left it to fix his residence at Constantinople. The consecration of the palm-branches and many …

291 History of the Reformation, vol. 3, p. 377.3 (Jean-Henri Merle D'aubigné)

… and Antichrist (the pope), and thus ranked among the most influential organs of the revolution that was transforming the nations. As soon as he had received …

292 History of the Reformation, vol. 3, p. 388.3 (Jean-Henri Merle D'aubigné)

… of antichrists do not already exist in the world!” But while Luther was thus assailed, many wise and moderate men, whom the Roman Church still counted among …

293 History of the Reformation, vol. 3, p. 458.1 (Jean-Henri Merle D'aubigné)

… the Antichrist of Rome, announcing that the Lord was about to destroy it by the breath of his mouth. He then boldly posted his “placards” on the gates of the cathedral …

294 History of the Reformation, vol. 3, p. 458.4 (Jean-Henri Merle D'aubigné)

… of Antichrist would come to an end.”—There is no power that can arrest the progress of truth.

295 History of the Reformation, vol. 3, p. 462.4 (Jean-Henri Merle D'aubigné)

… of Antichrist was in commotion, said Lambert; canons, monks, inquisitors, the bishop’s officials, and all their partisans, endeavoured to seize and throw him …

296 History of the Reformation, vol. 3, p. 466.7 (Jean-Henri Merle D'aubigné)

… destroy Antichrist, in order that, as Daniel says (chap. 8. ver. 25 ), he may be broken without hand. For this reason, most serene prince, may your highness fan the spark …

297 History of the Reformation, vol. 3, p. 473.5 (Jean-Henri Merle D'aubigné)

… of Antichrist, even your presence among us proves that you have acted boldly in the cause of the Gospel. The tyranny of christian bishops will at length induce …

298 History of the Reformation, vol. 4, p. 573.6 (Jean-Henri Merle D'aubigné)

… of Antichrist.” The princes requested to confer with their allies of the towns; and all the Protestants assembled to deliberate on this momentous incident …

299 History of the Reformation, vol. 4, p. 585.10 (Jean-Henri Merle D'aubigné)

… is Antichrist, we may be under his government, as the Jews were under Pharaoh, and in later days under Caiaphas.” We must confess these two comparisons were not …

300 History of the Reformation, vol. 4, p. 585.11 (Jean-Henri Merle D'aubigné)

The chancellor Bruck alone appears to have been conscious of the truth: he wrote on the margin with a firm hand: “We cannot acknowledge the pope, because we say he is Antichrist, and because he claims the primacy by divine right.”