Search for: adventist education

281 A Gift of Light, p. 57.3 (Roger W. Coon)

… -day Adventist Church hold the writings of Mrs. White in great respect and make them central in developing the educational program in their schools.” See The …

282 A Gift of Light, p. 58.3 (Roger W. Coon)

When Adventist church leaders in Serbia read the work, they recognized it immediately—it was a translation of Ellen White’s Education, with an introduction …

283 A Prophet Among You, p. v.5 (T. Housel Jemison)

Supplementary materials and suggestions for classroom use of this book are available to college teachers from the office of the Department of Education, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Takoma Park, Washington 12, D.C.

284 A Prophet Among You, p. 243.8 (T. Housel Jemison)

… -day Adventist educational system was formulated and illustrated. The basic plan and principles are adaptable to any situation in the world. The school …

285 A Prophet Among You, p. 268.4 (T. Housel Jemison)

… limited education, for the greater part of her long life in poor health, she never faltered, but for seventy-two years carried and preached the message of Jesus …

286 A Prophet Among You, p. 385.2 (T. Housel Jemison)

… , The Adventist Home, Child Guidance, Fundamentals of Christian Education, Counsels on Diet and Foods, Counsels on Stewardship. These are not theoretical …

287 A Prophet Among You, p. 385.3 (T. Housel Jemison)

… -day Adventist medical and educational work. See pages 229, 230, 243, 245.

288 A Prophet Among You, p. 387.3 (T. Housel Jemison)

… -day Adventists, that the good was blended with the worthless, and that there was little or no stress upon right education as a Christian duty. In her writings …

289 A Prophet Among You, p. 484 (T. Housel Jemison)

… -day Adventists (294 pages, 120 of which were written by Ellen G. White) 120 1888 The Great Controversy Between Christ and Satan (enlargement of Spirit of Prophecy …

290 Believe His Prophets, p. 103.2 (Denton Edward Rebok)

… -day Adventist school property, all witness to Ellen G. White’s work in the field of Christian education.(1954 figures are given as a sample.)

291 Divine Guidance in the Remnant of God’s Church, p. 68.4 (Denton Edward Rebok)

… -day Adventists? Oh, maybe about the same as the other Adventist groups. They have lacked divine guidance. If we, too, had lacked divine guidance we would be just …

292 Ellen G. White and Her Critics, p. 46.6 (Francis D. Nichol)

… the education. She believed that head and hand and heart ought to be educated. She felt that young people should have an education, even though they intended …

293 Ellen G. White and Her Critics, p. 471.1 (Francis D. Nichol)

… -day Adventist people, He would have selected for them a prophet who really was well educated and did not make errors of grammar.

294 Ellen G. White and Her Critics, p. 537.2 (Francis D. Nichol)

… . D. Adventists. For several years he labored to acquire some necessary education, and soon after commenced to preach their doctrines. He was blessed with a …

295 Ellen G. White and Her Critics, p. 690.2 (Francis D. Nichol)

… -day Adventists. Vol. 1, No. 1 was dated “Battle Creek, Mich., August, 1866.” It was a monthly. Early volumes carried the display line: “Published monthly at the Western …

296 Messenger of the Lord, p. xvi.2 (Herbert E. Douglass)

… of education, evangelism, organization, and health, for which Seventh-day Adventists have become well known.

297 Messenger of the Lord, p. 26.2 (Herbert E. Douglass)

… , strengths, education, idiosyncrasies—then endeavor through that person to proclaim His message and accomplish a special mission.” Kenneth H. Wood, “Toward …

298 Messenger of the Lord, p. 38.9 (Herbert E. Douglass)

… , and education.” Prior to October 22, 1844, he had a vision depicting the journey of the Adventists (Millerites) to the city of God. He was instructed to make known …

299 Messenger of the Lord, p. 53.3 (Herbert E. Douglass)

… an educational system when others saw only a dream. His rugged faith and contagious cheer moved audiences. Funds and support emerged. His remarkable business …

300 Messenger of the Lord, p. 90.12 (Herbert E. Douglass)

… new Adventist family at the Oregon camp meeting in late June, 1878. Their teenage daughter, Edith Donaldson, was eager for a Christian education at Battle …