Search for: Storrs*
281 The Advent Herald, and Signs of the Times Reporter [Himes], vol. 8 October 16, 1844, page 84 paragraph 22
Geo. Storrs.
282 The Advent Herald, and Signs of the Times Reporter [Himes], vol. 8 October 16, 1844, page 87 paragraph 28
… and Storrs, to the consideration of all; and let each one remember that at the bar of God, he must stand or fall for himself. Yes, your blood, O reader ! will be upon …
283 The Advent Herald, and Signs of the Times Reporter [Himes], vol. 8 October 16, 1844, page 88 paragraph 7
… , Bro. Storrs and others, be blessed for their instrumentality in opening my eyes. I am almost home, Glory! Glory!! Glory!!! I see that the time is correct; yes, my brother …
284 The Advent Herald, and Signs of the Times Reporter [Himes], vol. 8 November 6, 1844, page 98 paragraph 7
… Br. Storrs was found dead in his bed, on Lord’s day morning, Oct. 20th, and that he was buried in the evening. We are happy to say that the Lord has preserved his life …
285 The Advent Herald, and Signs of the Times Reporter [Himes], vol. 8 November 6, 1844, page 99 paragraph 1
Pray for me, dear brethren; and may the God of all grace “keep you from falling, and present you” and me “faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy.” Jude 24. Geo. Storrs.
286 The Advent Herald, and Signs of the Times Reporter [Himes], vol. 8 November 20, 1844, page 113 paragraph 22
No. 1. That “On Tuesday evening in the Millerite Church, corner of Chrystie and Delancey streets, Mr. Storrs publicly recanted his egregious folly and madness in the matter of the second advent.” And,
287 The Advent Herald, and Signs of the Times Reporter [Himes], vol. 8 November 27, 1844, page 121 paragraph 20
… Brother Storrs makes, with regard to the temptation of Abraham, is interesting, and worthy of attention. It seems to be confirmed by the cases of Job (who lived …
288 The Advent Herald, and Signs of the Times Reporter [Himes], vol. 8 November 27, 1844, page 122 paragraph 1
… . Geo. Storrs.
289 The Daily Argus Extracts October 1844, page 1 paragraph 2
… , Bliss, Storrs and others, it seems to us, cannot put on a face still to predict. If they do, who will believe them! This being the case, we rejoice that the time on which …
290 The Daily Argus Extracts October 1844, page 1 paragraph 8
We trust that this statement will allay the apprehensions of those who have been driven to the verge of madness, by the audacious, not to say impious prognostications of Father Miller, Mr. Storrs and their co-adjutators.
291 The Daily Argus Extracts November 1844, page 1 paragraph 52
By the following from the New York Commercial of Friday, it appears that Brothers Himes and Storrs have at last given up Millerism as a delusion.
292 The Daily Argus Extracts November 1844, page 1 paragraph 53
… , Mr. Storrs publicly recanted his egregious folly and madness in the matter of the second advent. He said, what others beside his congregation had already …
293 The Daily Argus Extracts November 1844, page 1 paragraph 54
… rostrum. Storrs has also acknowledged his error in the Midnight Cry, but we do not remember seeing anything there about mesmerism.
294 The Jubilee Standard, vol. 1 April 17, 1845, page 44 paragraph 4
… Geo. Storrs, and J. Litch.’
295 The Jubilee Standard, vol. 1 April 17, 1845, page 44 paragraph 6
… Himes, Storrs, and Litch.’
296 The Jubilee Standard, vol. 1 April 24, 1845, page 56 paragraph 8
… . Bro. Storrs says we preached a lie; Bro. Himes says we were mistaken in the chronology; and Bro. Litch says the same thing; neither of whom admit the position you …
297 The Jubilee Standard, vol. 1 May 29, 1845, page 91 paragraph 9
… Geo. Storrs and others, that it was a delusion; or, in plain English a lie. Well, if we take his own words for it, first and last, they certainly amount to this, that the …
298 The Jubilee Standard, vol. 1 June 12, 1845, page 108 paragraph 3
… , Himes, Storrs, and other ‘princes of Judah,’ was a delusion also. And yet these men would have us place confidence in their teachings still! We should as soon think …
299 The Present Truth, vol. 1 May 1850, page 74 paragraph 1
… . George Storrs was among the first to take this stand. See his writings in the latter part of 1844, in the “Midnight-Cry,” then published in New-York city. J. V. Himes …
300 The Advent Review, vol. 1 August 1850, page 10 paragraph 9
… Bro. Storrs has made a bad matter worse, and if his gourd in the east side of Philadelphia does not in the end fail him, he will not be as unfortunate as poor Jonah …