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2801 Communion With God, p. 122.1 (General Conference of SDA - Ministerial Association)

… places: “Enoch's heart was upon eternal treasures. He had looked upon the celestial city. He had seen the King in His glory in the midst of Zion. The greater existing …

2802 Communion With God, p. 122.2 (General Conference of SDA - Ministerial Association)

… years Enoch had been seeking purity of heart, that he might be in harmony with heaven. For three centuries he had walked with God. Day by day he had longed for …

2803 Communion With God, p. 122.4 (General Conference of SDA - Ministerial Association)

… . Like Enoch, let us respond with all of our hearts and minds. Then God will make our bodies His holy temple and dwelling place. We can so walk with God that He will …

2804 Communion With God, p. 123.2 (General Conference of SDA - Ministerial Association)

How does the experience of Enoch and of John the Baptist relate to God's remnant people?

2805 Communion With God, p. 123.3 (General Conference of SDA - Ministerial Association)

… of Enoch and of John the Baptist represents what ours should be. Far more than we do, we need to study the lives of these men—he who was translated to heaven without …

2806 Passion, Purpose & Power, p. 52.1 (James R. Nix)

If more should be refunded than the other half, it will be sent to Bro. [Enoch] Jacobs, or as brethren may direct. The subject, brethren, is now before you, and we do pray you will examine it carefully by the Word. May the Lord add his blessing.

2807 Passion, Purpose & Power, p. 54.1 (James R. Nix)

… to Enoch Jacobs of Cincinnati, Ohio. Her letters had appeared in the January 24, 1846, and February 27, 1846, issues of Jacobs’ paper, The Day-Star.

2808 The Bible, the Spirit of Prophecy, and the Church, p. 39.5 (Walter Edwin Read)

“If we come to Him in faith, He will speak His mysteries to us personally. Our hearts will often burn within us as One draws nigh to commune with us as He did with Enoch.”— The Desire of Ages, 668 .

2809 The Bible, the Spirit of Prophecy, and the Church, p. 83.4 (Walter Edwin Read)

Enoch, who “prophesied” ( Jude 14 ), for he had “the spirit of prophecy.”— Patriarchs and Prophets, 85 .

2810 The Bible, the Spirit of Prophecy, and the Church, p. 192.3 (Walter Edwin Read)

… , like Enoch of old, we are to walk with our God? With ears, with hands, and with feet given over to God, there is no limit to what God can accomplish through human instrumentality …

2811 Footprints of the Pioneers, p. 25.3 (Arthur Whitefield Spalding)

… ; and Enoch Jacobs, editor of The Day Star, of Cincinnati, Ohio. Neither was Joseph Bates there, nor James white, but the latter was young and only locally influential …

2812 Footprints of the Pioneers, p. 81.1 (Arthur Whitefield Spalding)

… . Editor Enoch Jacobs, of The Day-Star, a Second Advent paper published in Cincinnati, then invited Crozier to write a full exposition, which he published in …

2813 How the Spirit of Prophecy Met a Crisis, p. 52.4 (William Ambrose Spicer)

… earth. Enoch and Elijah and Moses, and the saints who were raised with Christ ( Matthew 27:52 ) are going to and fro amid surroundings real and tangible to men in …