Search for: antichrist

261 History of Protestantism, vol. 2, p. 293.2 (James Aitken Wylie)

… against Antichrist, and by the help of God they will finish it.”

262 History of Protestantism, vol. 2, p. 446.4 (James Aitken Wylie)

… of Antichrist. We love you as brethren.”

263 History of Protestantism, vol. 2, p. 474.2 (James Aitken Wylie)

… the Antichrist of Scripture, and concluded by summoning him and all his cardinals to answer for their cruelties and murders before the throne of the Lamb …

264 History of Protestantism, vol. 3, p. 172.1 (James Aitken Wylie)

… real Antichrist; if your Majesty will follow to the end that blind chief of a generation of vipers, and lead us the faithful people of God the same way, it is to …

265 History of Protestantism, vol. 3, p. 378.2 (James Aitken Wylie)

… “the Antichrist, sitting in the temple of God as God?”Fox, vol. 4., pp. 628, 629.

266 History of Protestantism, vol. 3, p. 381.3 (James Aitken Wylie)

… of Antichrist, alluding to the ceremony of “degradation” which he had just undergone. He was carried to the stake at Smithfield in the apparel in which Stokesley …

267 History of Protestantism, vol. 3, p. 480.1 (James Aitken Wylie)

… Roman Antichrist.” Keith has sought to discredit this allegation, but the great preponderance of testimony is against him. (See Laing, Knox, vol. 1., p. 91, footnote …

268 History of Protestantism, vol. 3, p. 484.3 (James Aitken Wylie)

… the Antichrist of Scripture. No movement can rise higher than its fundamental principle, and no doctrine less broad than this which Knox now proclaimed …

269 History of Protestantism, vol. 3, p. 542.3 (James Aitken Wylie)

… Pope-Antichrist! Pull him down!” He managed to escape from the pulpit so his coach, the magistrates escorting him home to defend him from the fury of the crowd …

270 History of the Reformation, vol. 1, p. 49.2 (Jean-Henri Merle D'aubigné)

… of Antichrist. Others, on the contrary, predicted a reformation to be close at hand. The world waited in expectation. Luther appeared.

271 History of the Reformation, vol. 1, p. 153.2 (Jean-Henri Merle D'aubigné)

… the Antichrist of whom St. Paul speaks now reigns in the court of Rome. I think I shall be able to show that he is worse now-a-days than the Turks themselves.”

272 History of the Reformation, vol. 2, p. 159.6 (Jean-Henri Merle D'aubigné)

… is Antichrist himself, or his apostle, so greatly is Christ misrepresented and crucified in them.”

273 History of the Reformation, vol. 2, p. 187.1 (Jean-Henri Merle D'aubigné)

… of Antichrist.” On the 23rd of June 1520, he published his famous Appeal to his Imperial Majesty and to the Christian Nobility of the German Nation, on the Reformation …

274 History of the Reformation, vol. 2, p. 188.7 (Jean-Henri Merle D'aubigné)

… left. Antichrist must possess the treasures of the earth. Thirty or forty cardinals will be created in one day. Bamberg will be given to one, the bishopric of …

275 History of the Reformation, vol. 2, p. 191.3 (Jean-Henri Merle D'aubigné)

… was Antichrist. Even the elector’s court, so circumspect and timid, did not disapprove of the reformer: it waited patiently. But the nobility and the people …

276 History of the Reformation, vol. 2, p. 200.8 (Jean-Henri Merle D'aubigné)

… , which Antichrist himself, if he were to appear, could not increase in wickedness. All this is clearer than the sun at noonday.

277 History of the Reformation, vol. 2, p. 204.1 (Jean-Henri Merle D'aubigné)

Antichrist himself. No one had given him warning, no one had refuted him; he begged for a discussion, and they were content to condemn him. The bull that is now …

278 History of the Reformation, vol. 2

Luther’s Appeal to God—His Opinion of the Bull—A Neutral Family—Luther on the Bull—Against the Bull of Antichrist—The Pope forbids Faith—Effects of the Bull—The Burning Pile of Louvain

279 History of the Reformation, vol. 2, p. 204.5 (Jean-Henri Merle D'aubigné)

… is Antichrist, and that his throne is that of Satan himself.”