Search for: adventist education

261 The Pocket Ellen G. White Dictionary, p. Knight, Anna.2 (Jud Lake & Michael W. Campbell)

… -day Adventist missionary and educator. She taught herself to read and obtained a *Bible by picking cotton. She was baptized in 1893 and studied nursing under …

262 The Pocket Ellen G. White Dictionary, p. Magan, Percy Tilson.2 (Jud Lake & Michael W. Campbell)

educational reforms. After 1904, he worked with Sutherland to found Madison College, a self-supporting school, to continue their educational reforms …

264 The Pocket Ellen G. White Dictionary, p. nicest work.2 (Jud Lake & Michael W. Campbell)

… of Adventist educators (3T 131, 269). The*work of the Adventist educator is a solemn responsibility and requires great care and tact to help mold minds and aid …

265 The Pocket Ellen G. White Dictionary, p. White, James Springer.2 (Jud Lake & Michael W. Campbell)

… early Adventist education, not the least of which was so that his own children could benefit from the training of people such as *Goodloe Harper Bell. Tragically …

266 Angel Over Her Tent, p. 66.1 (D. A. Delafield)

… at Adventist religious meetings, Ellen G. White also lectured widely on temperance. The nineteenth century was a time of widespread national interest in …

267 Angel Over Her Tent, p. 97.2 (D. A. Delafield)

… other Adventist colleges and academies. Avondale College still continues to educate Australian young people for service for the church.

268 Over My Shoulder, p. 31.2 (Ella May White Robinson)

… -day Adventist minister or Bible instructor but who had learned of present truth from papers sent them from the United States. Often he found the people lonely …

269 Over My Shoulder, p. 99.3 (Ella May White Robinson)

… Christian education followed by Seventh-day Adventist schools today.

270 Over My Shoulder, p. 119.2 (Ella May White Robinson)

… sell Adventist books and, at times, aluminum cooking utensils. Finding her best customers living far off the beaten track, she frequently headed for the foothills …

271 Stories of My Grandmother, p. 167.2 (Ella May White Robinson)

… to educate many young men as home missionaries and many as foreign missionaries. Seventh-day Adventists had thought God’s work on earth was nearly finished …

272 Stories of My Grandmother, p. 178.2 (Ella May White Robinson)

… hundred Adventists in all Australia, how can we support such an expensive enterprise as a college?” But grandma continued talking about a college where Australian …

273 There Shines A Light, p. 64.3 (Arthur Whitefield Spalding)

… . White’s educational principles and plans were not mere mouthings, words cast to the winds of sound and dispersion. She not only spoke, she wrought. She was …

274 There Shines A Light, p. 65.1 (Arthur Whitefield Spalding)

… the educational program in the church of which she was a founder. She was instrumental in the establishment of the first school, Battle Creek College, though …

275 There Shines A Light, p. 82.1 (Arthur Whitefield Spalding)

… . Australian Adventists were thankful that Mrs. White had come to live with them and had elected them to be the spearhead in the educational reform and expansion …

276 A Gift of Light, p. 11.1 (Roger W. Coon)

… evangelistic, educational, health-care, and disaster relief operations in 207 of the 233 nations or geographical entities recognized by the United Nations …

277 A Gift of Light, p. 11.2 (Roger W. Coon)

… -day Adventists, Silver Spring, Maryland, Sept. 15, 1997, p. 1. Ibid.; Letter, Beverly Rumble, editor, Journal of Adventist Education, General Conference Department …

278 A Gift of Light, p. 30.5 (Roger W. Coon)

… premier Adventist educational institution.

279 A Gift of Light, p. 45.3 (Roger W. Coon)

… -day Adventists’ international weekly, the Review and Herald (now Adventist Review ). Editor Nichol immediately drove to Ithaca, New York, to meet McCay in person …

280 A Gift of Light, p. 56.6 (Roger W. Coon)

… White’s Education in the personal reference library of Florence Stratemeyer. Stratemeyer, a leading educator and professor of education, was invited …