Search for: Jehova*

26081 Communion With God, p. 19.3 (General Conference of SDA - Ministerial Association)

… of Jehovah as our assurance. Whatever spiritual blessing we need, it is our privilege to claim through Jesus.... We may state to Him our temporal matters, asking …

26082 Communion With God, p. 58.5 (General Conference of SDA - Ministerial Association)

… , insult Jehovah. They bring the name of Christ as their authority for the fulfillment of the promise, but they do not those things that would show faith in Christ …

26083 Communion With God, p. 101.5 (General Conference of SDA - Ministerial Association)

… in Jehovah, who is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, will be tested and tried like Job was to see if we are going to be true and faithful. Every person on the face …

26084 The Bible, the Spirit of Prophecy, and the Church, p. 20.2 (Walter Edwin Read)

… writing “Jehovah,” lest that holy name should be tainted even in the writing. The new copy was then carefully examined with the original almost immediately …

26085 The Bible, the Spirit of Prophecy, and the Church, p. 32 (Walter Edwin Read)

… of Jehovah Exodus 14:19; Acts 7:35, 38 Mount of Blessing, p. 170 The Branch Zechariah 6:12; Luke 1:78 The Desire of Ages, 103 The I Am Exodus 3:14; John 8:58 The Desire of …

26086 The Bible, the Spirit of Prophecy, and the Church, p. 35.8 (Walter Edwin Read)

… ANGEL-JEHOVAH worshipped in the Hebrew church.”— Ibid .

26087 The Bible, the Spirit of Prophecy, and the Church, p. 35.9 (Walter Edwin Read)

… of Jehovah and the children of Israel. On this, observe the remarks of Ellen G. White:

26088 The Bible, the Spirit of Prophecy, and the Church, p. 36.2 (Walter Edwin Read)

… of Jehovah, and who, vailed in the cloudy pillar, went before the host,—but it was He who gave the law to Israel. Amid the awful glory of Sinai, Christ declared in …

26089 The Bible, the Spirit of Prophecy, and the Church, p. 36.5 (Walter Edwin Read)

… of Jehovah—the Angel of the Lord, whom we know was none other than Christ the Lord.

26090 The Bible, the Spirit of Prophecy, and the Church, p. 37.2 (Walter Edwin Read)

3. “Christ was the angel in whom was the name of Jehovah, and who, vailed in the cloudy pillar, went before the host.”— Ibid .

26091 The Bible, the Spirit of Prophecy, and the Church, p. 45.4 (Walter Edwin Read)

… of Jehovah. Men speak, men declare the word, the message comes through lips of clay, but God is the Author; it is His word; men were the channels through whom the …

26092 The Bible, the Spirit of Prophecy, and the Church, p. 57.11 (Walter Edwin Read)

… of Jehovah. When we receive this into our lives, and determine by the help of God that this shall govern and control every action, then this word is the word of …

26093 The Bible, the Spirit of Prophecy, and the Church, p. 64.1 (Walter Edwin Read)

… of Jehovah pulsates with life. Just as God gave to His beloved Son “to have life in himself” ( John 5:26 ), so hath He decreed that His word is life, and that it “lives and …

26094 The Bible, the Spirit of Prophecy, and the Church, p. 70.2 (Walter Edwin Read)

… of Jehovah. What a wonderful experience this must have been! Think of the command in Genesis 1:11, where God said, “Let the earth bring forth grass.” Remember that …

26095 The Bible, the Spirit of Prophecy, and the Church, p. 98.5 (Walter Edwin Read)

… concerning Jehovah, “I taught them, rising up early and teaching them, yet they have not hearkened to receive instruction.” Jeremiah 32:33 .

26096 The Bible, the Spirit of Prophecy, and the Church, p. 101.4 (Walter Edwin Read)

… in Jehovah’s power and in the destiny of Israel re-established. His mind was relieved at once of the burden of responsibility and the dread of an extinction …

26097 The Bible, the Spirit of Prophecy, and the Church, p. 101.6 (Walter Edwin Read)

… of Jehovah. His people have been permitted to look beyond the trials of the present to the triumphs of the future, when, the warfare having been accomplished …

26098 The Bible, the Spirit of Prophecy, and the Church, p. 110.7 (Walter Edwin Read)

“David said, By the Spirit of prophecy of Jehovah I speak these things.”—Quoted in Appendix Note IV to II Samuel in The Cambridge Bible for Schools and Colleges (Cambridge: University Press, 1899), p. 237.

26099 The Bible, the Spirit of Prophecy, and the Church, p. 115.3 (Walter Edwin Read)

… of Jehovah as the highest and the only standard of faith, of doctrine, and of conduct.

26100 The Bible, the Spirit of Prophecy, and the Church, p. 131.1 (Walter Edwin Read)

… of Jehovah, and they disregarded the messages of His servants the prophets.