Search for: william miller

241 Ellen G. White and Her Critics, p. 164.4 (Francis D. Nichol)

… preaching, William Miller and the ministers associated with him believed not only that they were reviving a long-neglected and primary truth of the Christian …

242 Ellen G. White and Her Critics, p. 166.2 (Francis D. Nichol)

… vague. William Miller described the total as “some fifty thousand believers.” See his Apology and Defence, page 22. James White also estimated 50,000. See his …

243 Ellen G. White and Her Critics, p. 167.2 (Francis D. Nichol)

A few weeks after the disappointment William Miller wrote:

244 Ellen G. White and Her Critics, p. 167.7 (Francis D. Nichol)

In the spring of 1845 a conference of Advent believers was called in Albany, New York, in an endeavor to clarify the thinking of the Millerites. The Advent Herald thus summarizes a portion of an address William Miller gave at the conference:

245 Ellen G. White and Her Critics, p. 168.1 (Francis D. Nichol)

… 1845 William Miller published what he called his Apology and Defence in relation to the movement and its great disappointment. He made a distinction between …

246 Ellen G. White and Her Critics, p. 168.2 (Francis D. Nichol)

… sense.”—WILLIAM MILLER, Apology and Defence, p. 28.

247 Ellen G. White and Her Critics, p. 169.3 (Francis D. Nichol)

… that William Miller first went out to preach, had been the prophecy of the 2300 days, with its climax, the cleansing of the sanctuary. But in order for that great …

248 Ellen G. White and Her Critics, p. 180.1 (Francis D. Nichol)

… grace. William Miller, writing to a friend shortly after the great disappointment, thus describes what happened immediately after October 22 had passed …

249 Ellen G. White and Her Critics, p. 190.3 (Francis D. Nichol)

… of William Miller’s preaching was estimated as fifty thousand people. And many thousands of these were now not simply in the lukewarm, Laodicean state, as …

250 Ellen G. White and Her Critics, p. 209.5 (Francis D. Nichol)

… under William Miller, and has been an object of attack by Seventh-day Adventists ever since. We believe, with the Bible, that the world is not growing progressively …

251 Ellen G. White and Her Critics, p. 230.4 (Francis D. Nichol)

… under William Miller. The lines quoted describe the state of the church in the days just preceding the Advent movement of the 1840’s. Let us add, now, two sentences …

252 Ellen G. White and Her Critics, p. 231.1 (Francis D. Nichol)

… entitled “William Miller,” which describes the “message for the church” that would bring it “again into favor with GOD.” Now, even though Mrs. White describes the …

253 Ellen G. White and Her Critics, p. 297.3 (Francis D. Nichol)

… of William Miller and a rapidly increasing number of ministers and lay preachers of various religious bodies. Contrary to popular misconception and caricature …

254 Ellen G. White and Her Critics, p. 326.2 (Francis D. Nichol)

… interpretation.See William Miller’s Apology and Defence, pp. 25, 30.

255 Ellen G. White and Her Critics, p. 342.1 (Francis D. Nichol)

… -deceived William Miller’s and his followers’ ‘1843 chart.’ (See ‘Early Writings of Mrs. White,’ p. 74.) The Bible declares that ‘no lie is of the truth’; that God ‘cannot …

256 Ellen G. White and Her Critics, p. 590.2 (Francis D. Nichol)

… , with William Miller at their head, that our work for ‘the world’ was finished, and that the message was confined to those of the original advent faith. So firmly …

257 Ellen G. White and Her Critics, p. 682.8 (Francis D. Nichol)

Miller, William. Wm. Miller’s Apology and Defence. Boston: J. V. Himes, 1845. 36 pp.

258 Ellen G. White and Her Critics, p. 687.2 (Francis D. Nichol)

… as Millerism. The subtitle of second printing (Jan. 1945) reads: “A defense of the character and conduct of William Miller and the Millerites, who mistakenly …

259 Ellen G. White and Her Critics, p. 690.15 (Francis D. Nichol)

Miller, William. Letter to I. O. Orr, Dec. 13, 1844, in the Adventual Collection, Aurora College, Aurora, Ill.

260 Ellen G. White — Messenger to the Remnant, p. 126.14 (Arthur Lacey White)

… Rev. William Miller preach on the speedy coming of Christ, and she was greatly affected. At the age of seventeen she had her first vision, and was bidden, she believed …