Search for: Storrs*

241 Signs of the Times and Expositor of Prophecy [Himes], vol. 6 January 17, 1844, page 184 paragraph 14

… , Porter, Storrs, etc. All who wished to know the truth, have had an abundant opportunity; and I am happy to learn that some are even yet obliged to confess that Millerism …

242 Signs of the Times and Expositor of Prophecy [Himes], vol. 6 January 17, 1844, page 184 paragraph 40

… ; G Storrs; S W Hoyt; T L Tullock; D W Reid, the books were sent by express; if they are not received, please inform us with the list ordered, as the first letter is mislaid …

244 Signs of the Times and Expositor of Prophecy [Himes], vol. 6 January 24, 1844, page 186 paragraph 12

… Bro. Storrs, in reference to my views, published in your last paper. Though he thought it needless, as you had sufficiently refuted my position, he felt impelled …

245 Signs of the Times and Expositor of Prophecy [Himes], vol. 6 January 24, 1844, page 186 paragraph 16

… Bro. Storrs affirms, it is for the reason he has given it could not be done, “make sense, or without obscuring the meaning.” This is a good reason why the word should …

246 Signs of the Times and Expositor of Prophecy [Himes], vol. 6 January 24, 1844, page 186 paragraph 21

… Bro. Storrs thinks, conceding that our Lord was crucified in the middle of the week, it can make no difference as to the termination, since, in such case, his death …

247 Signs of the Times and Expositor of Prophecy [Himes], vol. 6 January 24, 1844, page 186 paragraph 23

… Bro. Storrs, it becomes necessary for us to offer a few words in review, that the reader may not be misled by the above.

249 The Advent Herald, and Signs of the Times Reporter [Himes], vol. 7 February 14, 1844, page 11 paragraph 14

… generally, Storrs’ “Bible Examiner” has been called for, and “Litch’s Address to the Clergy;” in short, they are all excellent and useful, and evidently are prized …

252 The Advent Herald, and Signs of the Times Reporter [Himes], vol. 7 April 24, 1844, page 96 paragraph 18

… and Storrs are requested to attend, if convenient. We hope there will be a general rallying of the friends of Christ, with their tents, to this feast of tabernacles …

253 The Advent Herald, and Signs of the Times Reporter [Himes], vol. 7 May 1, 1844, page 104 paragraph 11

… , Jacobs, Storrs, or some other good brother come this way?

254 The Advent Herald, and Signs of the Times Reporter [Himes], vol. 7 May 1, 1844, page 104 paragraph 23

… and Storrs are requested to attend, if convenient. We hope there will be a general rallying of the friends of Christ, with their tents, to this feast of tabernacles …

255 The Advent Herald, and Signs of the Times Reporter [Himes], vol. 7 May 8, 1844, page 112 paragraph 17

… and Storrs are requested to attend, if convenient. We hope there will be a general rallying of the friends of Christ, with their tents, to this least of tabernacles …

256 The Advent Herald, and Signs of the Times Reporter [Himes], vol. 7 May 29, 1844, page 136 paragraph 5

… brother Storrs when he visited Virginia, is a delegate, and he occasionally shakes himself like an enraged lion. He is a powerful man, and when aroused does …

257 The Advent Herald, and Signs of the Times Reporter [Himes], vol. 7 June 5, 1844, page 143 paragraph 2

… beloved Storrs, produced a good effect. They were clear and bold, and showed much originality of thought. Were listened to with deep interest by many.

258 The Advent Herald, and Signs of the Times Reporter [Himes], vol. 7 June 12, 1844, page 151 paragraph 9

… Brother Storrs in the morning. I had not till then the pleasure of an acquaintance with him, having seen him only a few moments a year since in Boston. I had been …

259 The Advent Herald, and Signs of the Times Reporter [Himes], vol. 7 June 12, 1844, page 152 paragraph 41

… ; Geo Storrs; Mis Paul by pm $1; T H Perkins by pm $1; C Crawford by pm $2; pm Williamantic Ct; S Bliss; A Torry; E Spencer by pm $1; J Roberts $3; J Merrill by pm $2; L Hildreth; O Jones …

260 The Advent Herald, and Signs of the Times Reporter [Himes], vol. 7 July 3, 1844, page 176 paragraph 32

… , and Storrs, with others, are invited to attend. Arrangements for board will be made upon the ground.