Search for: Jehovah

25901 General Conference Daily Bulletin, vol. 5 February 11, 1893, page 222 paragraph 4

Do you see the point? It is a progressive work, and God’s sign - “I am Jehovah” and his “I am sanctifying you,” is the same power and presence that sanctified the day, - that sign is that day itself - that institution itself, the very Sabbath idea.

25902 General Conference Daily Bulletin, vol. 5 February 11, 1893, page 222 paragraph 5

… : “I, Jehovah, am sanctifying you.” But how shall we know him? Why, Every week comes the reminder: “This is the day that I made sacred.” “I am sanctifying you.” That is the encouragement …

25903 General Conference Daily Bulletin, vol. 5 February 11, 1893, page 225 paragraph 2

… of Jehovah, ‘Honored.’” Notice, the Sabbath is the Holy of Jehovah, and he is the Holy One himself, and his Son, that Holy Child Jesus, and you cannot separate them.

25904 General Conference Daily Bulletin, vol. 5 February 11, 1893, page 225 paragraph 3

… of Jehovah, you find God in Christ there, the Holy Saviour. And to the Holy of Jehovah we cry, “Honor, honor!” “Blessing and honor, and glory, and power, be unto him that …

25905 General Conference Daily Bulletin, vol. 5 February 27, 1893, page 408 paragraph 6

… of Jehovah. If in defiance of God’s arrangements the world be allowed to influence our decisions or our actions, the purpose of God is defeated. However specious …

25906 General Conference Daily Bulletin, vol. 5 March 7, 1893, page 500 paragraph 7

… of Jehovah as the young prophet had never before felt, and with that of course, came such a sense of his own unworthiness to be a messenger of the King of Glory …

25907 General Conference Daily Bulletin, vol. 8 February 22, 1899, page 56 paragraph 19

… of Jehovah will be just. Every soul must acknowledge this.

25908 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 1 February 6, 1895, page 26 paragraph 2

… , and Jehovah hath caused to meet on him the punishment of us all.” Isaiah 53:6, Dr. Young’s Translation: “Everything met in him.” “Made him to be sin,” not a sinner, but “made …

25909 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 1 February 15, 1895, page 154 paragraph 10

… of Jehovah; while the living God, as he is revealed in his Word, in Christ, and in the works of creation, is worshiped by but few. Thousands deify nature, while they …

25910 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 1 February 17, 1895, page 179 paragraph 2

… the Jehovah God. They had heard them pleading with the wooden idols which they worshiped, but after 18 years of labor, that was the first prayer going forth …

25913 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 1 February 17, 1895, page 189 paragraph 4

… is Jehovah who hath not let a redeemer cease to thee to-day.”

25914 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 1 March 4, 1895, page 445 paragraph 10

… of Jehovah, especially the fourth commandment, that defines who is the Creator of the heavens and the earth.

25915 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 1 March 5, 1895, page 470 paragraph 9

… of Jehovah as to hold that they would be righteous in the sight of God, and receive the fulfillment of his promises, if they strictly kept the letter of the law …

25917 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 1 October 1, 1896, page 755 paragraph 4

… of Jehovah; they will lead many to see the claims of the law of God; and the same light which reveals the true Sabbath, reveals also the ministration of Christ …

25918 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 1 October 1, 1896, page 775 paragraph 2

… with Jehovah. If he has called us to give the last warning message to the world, ought not such a sacred responsibility to mean something to us? How can we expect …

25919 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 2 January 1, 1897, page 23 paragraph 11

… name Jehovah was I not known to them. And I have also established my covenant with them, to give them the land of Canaan, the land of their pilgrimage, wherein …

25920 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 2 January 1, 1897, page 37 paragraph 9

… of Jehovah. The work of Moses, of the seventy elders, of the rulers and judges, was simply to enforce the laws that God had given. They had no authority to legislate …