Search for: Jehovah

25581 Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 14 August 11, 1859, page 92 paragraph 16

… of Jehovah,” (see p.280,) and which should issue from the mouth of the false prophet, instead of appearing in the “eastern empire” among the disciples of Mohammed …

25582 Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 14 August 11, 1859, page 93 paragraph 14

… of Jehovah, as soon as he had created the heavens and the earth. The Sabbath did not therefore originate with the Jews, and should not be termed a Jewish Sabbath …

25583 Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 14 August 11, 1859, page 94 paragraph 1

… of Jehovah; and Adam lived hundreds of years after God had rested on the seventh day, and begat sons and daughters. Now if the six days of creation were not literal …

25584 Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 14 August 18, 1859, page 98 paragraph 21

… by Jehovah; and every other government may be considered as branching out of this; and in those countries where this institution is honored and sustained …

25585 Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 14 August 18, 1859, page 101 paragraph 2

… saint, Jehovah will find means to sustain his precious truth; and if those professing the third angel’s message, who hold the Lord’s property, come not up speedily …

25586 Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 14 August 25, 1859, page 108 paragraph 20

… of Jehovah’s power, forbearance and love to a lost world, and his providence will soon dispel the clouds which hide its beauty. It will shine out more and more …

25587 Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 14 August 25, 1859, page 109 paragraph 1

… foundation Jehovah has laid, when all other foundations shall rock and quake and shiver in the general din of the execution of the judgment: would you see …

25588 Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 14 August 25, 1859, page 109 paragraph 13

… great Jehovah reigns. I have been thinking of his object in visiting this planet, and of his conduct while he remained here; of his noble bearing while in the …

25589 Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 14 September 8, 1859, page 128 paragraph 8

The church will obey the commands of Jehovah, And follow the Lamb wheresoever he goes; The faith and the patience of Jesus will make her The light of the world and the wonder of foes.

25590 Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 14 September 15, 1859, page 133 paragraph 11

… will Jehovah wait upon thee? True he has waited long. (O miracle of love!) but will he wait? Beware! Once he said of Ephraim, “Let him alone, he is joined to his idols.” Art …

25591 Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 14 September 15, 1859, page 135 paragraph 14

… of Jehovah and that of Baal tested in sight of that idolatrous nation; and he goes into the presence of Ahab, and says, “As the Lord God of Israel liveth, before …

25592 Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 14 September 15, 1859, page 136 paragraph 2

… of Jehovah and that of Baal must be proved. That same God is thy God. Christian-tried, tempted, and afflicted Christian-and will as surely bring thee succor and …

25593 Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 14 September 22, 1859, page 142 paragraph 6

… this Jehovah, the only living and true God, would not endure. Hence conscientious Israelites were universally counted bigots.”- Scott’s Notes on Exodus 34 …

25594 Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 14 September 29, 1859, page 147 paragraph 9

… of Jehovah to be for a moment tolerated. And could it be death eternal? By no means; for were it such, Adam could have no release from it; but the bands of that death …

25595 Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 14 September 29, 1859, page 150 paragraph 3

… of Jehovah, that power is worshiped which is obeyed in preference to the other.” Do not pattern after THE LAWLESS ONE, but make haste to obey every precept of …

25596 Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 14 October 6, 1859, page 155 paragraph 6

… of Jehovah? Yet the Bible has been tautological enough to plainly state this fact. And it would seem that it might have carried its “tautology” a little further …

25597 Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 14 October 6, 1859, page 160 paragraph 5

… of Jehovah, and the near approach of the Second Coming of Christ to set up the everlasting kingdom of the God of heaven, so long foretold by the prophets of Jehovah

25599 Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 14 October 20, 1859, page 172 paragraph 26

… great Jehovah is not a test to poor mortal men, what can be a test? Certainly, if it be not a test, there can be no such thing as a test, and we have no use for the word …