Search for: Jehova*

24921 Second Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 1 January 1851, page 36 paragraph 2

… infinite Jehovah, must from its nature be unchangeable and immutable like its author.

24922 Second Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 1 February 1851, page 41 paragraph 3

Though at the first Jehovah blessed And sanctified HIS day of rest; The same belief is still expressed - “It’s Jewish.”

24923 Second Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 1 February 1851, page 41 paragraph 8

They love the rest of man’s invention, But if Jehovah’s day we mention, This puts an end to all contention - “It’s Jewish.”

24924 Second Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 1 February 1851, page 46 paragraph 10

… SABBATH.” Jehovah styles it “THE SABBATH OF THE LORD THY GOD,” and “MY HOLY DAY;” but Mr. Dennett, in order to stigmatize the day that God has highly honored, calls it …

24925 Second Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 1 March 1851, page 54 paragraph 6

… , which Jehovah spake from the smoking Mount, and with his finger wrote upon tables of stone. With the divine requirement is also given the reason why the Creator …

24926 Second Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 1 March 1851, page 54 paragraph 15

… of Jehovah, laid out in the beginning!-Man was to labor six days, and on the seventh rest from servile labor and care; and by viewing the heavens, the earth, the sea …

24927 Second Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 1 March 1851, page 55 paragraph 2

… , as Jehovah has so forcibly shown, by the language of the fourth commandment, that the Sabbath of that commandment is inseparably connected with his Rest …

24928 Second Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 1 March 1851, page 55 paragraph 5

… of Jehovah repeating to them the ten commandments, both God and Moses speak of the Sabbath as of an old institution well understood by the people.

24929 Second Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 1 March 1851, page 56 paragraph 16

… of Jehovah, and depend upon it, I shall not now withdraw my hand, the Lord being my helper; since Master Jesus will soon be coming in his chariot of fire to translate …

24930 Second Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 1 April 7, 1851, page 59 paragraph 7

… brethren, Jehovah has always had one standard of morality and only one; and a violation of this standard of right, always was, and always will be, sin. What change …

24931 Second Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 1 April 7, 1851, page 59 paragraph 11

3. “Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.” We must not speak the name of Jehovah but with the utmost reverence.

24932 Second Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 1 April 7, 1851, page 59 paragraph 19

… , that Jehovah created the worlds; that by power, wisdom and goodness, he formed and perfected all in six days, and rested on the seventh; and that for the purpose …

24933 Second Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 1 April 7, 1851, page 60 paragraph 1

… contemplate Jehovah as the Author of his existence, and of all created things, and that he began to love the law which Jehovah, as Creator, enjoined. We always …

24934 Second Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 1 April 7, 1851, page 60 paragraph 2

… proclaims Jehovah as the Creator of the world? Why seek to demolish that which was set up for the very purpose of being a standing testimony against Atheism …

24935 Second Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 1 April 7, 1851, page 60 paragraph 3

… that Jehovah was the Creator-we should suppose that one of the first things he would undertake would be to destroy the Sabbath.-But if, on the contrary, he came …

24936 Second Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 1 April 7, 1851, page 61 paragraph 1

… that Jehovah’s law is like its Divine Author-unchangeable.

24938 Second Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 1 April 7, 1851, page 63 paragraph 21

… but Jehovah, the Great Law-giver. In that case they would certainly be the commandments of God. But how preposterous to charge God with such folly as to abolish …

24939 Second Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 1 April 21, 1851, page 66 paragraph 9

… by Jehovah. See Exodus 25:22; Numbers 7:89; Joshua 4:16; Revelation 11:19; 15:5. This testimony is nothing more nor less than the ten commandments. It is often spoken …

24940 Second Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 1 April 21, 1851, page 67 paragraph 4

… that Jehovah delivered when he descended upon Mount Sinai in fire.-Will those who differ with us on these points just give a more harmonious exposition of …