Search for: Jehova*

24061 The Saviour of the World, p. 113.2 (William Warren Prescott)

… avouched Jehovah this day to be thy God, and that thou wouldst walk in His ways, and keep His statutes, and His commandments, and His ordinances, and hearken unto …

24062 The Saviour of the World, p. 121.3 (William Warren Prescott)

… of Jehovah cometh.” Joel 2:31. In his foreview of the destruction of Babylon, “the glory of kingdoms, the beauty of the Chaldeans’ pride” ( Isaiah 13:19 ), an event which …

24063 The Saviour of the World, p. 122.1 (William Warren Prescott)

… of Jehovah cometh, cruel, with wrath and fierce anger; to make the land a desolation, and to destroy the sinners thereof out of it. For the stars of heaven and the …

24064 The Saviour of the World, p. 122.3 (William Warren Prescott)

… of Jehovah, becomes “the day of Christ” ( Philippians 1:10, etc.), “the day of Jesus Christ” ( Philippians 1:6 ), “the day of God” ( 2 Peter 3:12 ), “the day of the Lord” ( 2 Peter 3:10, etc …

24066 The Signs of the Times, vol. 56 December 10, 1929, page 10 paragraph 7

… other “Jehovah,” and thus the difference is clearly marked. This difference is not one that affects any doctrinal teaching, and it might be easily passed over …

24067 The Signs of the Times, vol. 56 December 10, 1929, page 10 paragraph 8

… of “Jehovah”) and “Hosea,” salvation, so that “Jehoshua,” “Joshua,” “Jesus,” means Jehovah as salvation. Thus “Jehovah-Jesus” is as it were the message of the whole Bible compressed …

24068 The Signs of the Times, vol. 56 December 10, 1929, page 12 paragraph 1

… is Jehovah, the only Saviour of Isaiah 43:11, who was manifested in Jesus of Nazareth who demanded faith in Himself, the Jehovah- (Continued on page 14) (Continued …

24069 Victory in Christ, p. 24.2 (William Warren Prescott)

… of Jehovah is near, it is near and hasteth greatly.” To me He says, “Yea: I come quickly”; and my heart answers, “Come, Lord Jesus.”

24070 Home Here, and Home in Heaven; With Other Poems, p. 38.3 (Annie Rebekah Smith)

… of Jehovah uphold; All our afflictions his mercies unfold; Murmur then not that “he stirreth thy nest,” Ever remember—‘tis all for the best!

24071 Home Here, and Home in Heaven; With Other Poems, p. 45.4 (Annie Rebekah Smith)

Hark! Through the shining courts above, What rapturous praises echo now! Around that holy law of love, Seraphs in adoration bow. Let earth, responsive to the strain, Exalt alone Jehovah’s name.

24072 Poems: With a Sketch of the Life and Experience of Annie R. Smith, p. 92.4 (Rebekah Smith)

We know the arm that’s strong to save, The power that rescues from the grave. We know that ne’er Jehovah’s ear Is deafened that he cannot hear.

24073 Poems: With a Sketch of the Life and Experience of Annie R. Smith, p. 147.1 (Rebekah Smith)

… from Jehovah’s power And death shall seize on the sinner’s soul; Then will the Lord to his servants bring A crown for the cross which here they bore; And loud …

24075 America’s Crisis, p. 24.3 (Uriah Smith)

… of Jehovah, saying, “Six days shalt thou labor and do all thy work, but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God,” — a law as much higher than any law of man as …

24076 America’s Crisis, p. 26.2 (Uriah Smith)

… of Jehovah? The Lord says, “Thou shalt have no other gods before Me.”

24077 Bible Student’s Assistant, p. 42.2 (Uriah Smith)

… is Jehovah.” Psalm 83:18. “Most High God.” Mark 5:7. “The Ancient of Days.” Daniel 7:13. “God Alone.” Psalm 86:10. “Lord Alone.” Nehemiah 9:6. “God of Heaven.” Daniel 2:44. “The Only True …

24078 The Biblical Institute, p. 30.4 (Uriah Smith)

… of Jehovah! And not one drop of mercy? Not one! Jesus will lay off his priestly attire, leave the mercy seat, and put on the garments of vengeance, never more to offer …

24079 The Biblical Institute, p. 80.1 (Uriah Smith)

… Days, Jehovah, took a position which he had not before occupied. Daniel 7:9. On the change of the ministration from the holy into the most holy place, God’s throne …

24080 The Biblical Institute, p. 225.1 (Uriah Smith)

… of Jehovah; and that is expressly revealed.