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221 The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah—Book III, p. 82.2 (Alfred Edersheim)

… thirty chapters; Yadayim (hands) is the eleventh tractate, and contains four chapters. Comp. St. Mark 7:2-5; St. Matthew 23:25, 26; St. Luke 11:38, 39. Sanh. 17 a .

222 The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah—Book III, p. 170.2 (Alfred Edersheim)

… this chapter would be so numerous, only those will be given which refer to points hitherto unnoticed, or of special importance. The expressions Targum and …

224 The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah—Book III, p. 265.1 (Alfred Edersheim)

… one chapter in the Mishnah, let him learn two. But if he be not learned enough to do either, let him become an administrator for the congregation, or a public distributor …

225 The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah—Book III, p. 292.1 (Alfred Edersheim)

chapter, have no true parallel in Jewish theology. St. Matthew 6:9-13. Berakhoth. Ber. 34 a b; 32 a; 58 b. Jer. Ber. 8 b. Isaiah 38:2. Beautiful prayers in Ber. 16 b, 17 a; but …

226 The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah—Book IV, p. 192 (Alfred Edersheim)

Chapter 17—The Three Parables of the Gospel:

227 The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah—Book V, p. 194.2 (Alfred Edersheim)

… . John 17. That in St. Matthew 11:25-27 is a brief thanksgiving. vv. 1-5; 6-19; 20-26. Comp. each chapter with the corresponding section of verses in ch 17. I cannot agree …

228 The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah—Book V, p. 317 (Alfred Edersheim)

Chapter 17—On the Third Day He Rose Again from the Dead:

229 International Standard Version — Exodus 25:17

17 “You are to make a Mercy Seat of pure gold, two and a half cubits long and one and a half cubits wide.25:17 Or atonement cover; and so through chapter 31 25:17 i.e. about 45 inches 25:17 i.e. about 27 inches

230 International Standard Version — Numbers 7:17

17 Their sacrifice for a peace offering consisted of two bulls, five rams, five male goats, and five one year old lambs. These were the offerings presented by Amminadab’s son Nahshon.7:17 The Heb. lacks consisted of, and so throughout the chapter

231 International Standard Version — 2Samuel 17:16

… survive.”17:16 Lit. people; and so throughout the chapter

232 International Standard Version — 2Samuel 17:22

22 So David got up and all of his entourage crossed the Jordan River. Everyone had crossed the Jordan River by dawn’s first light.17:22 The Heb. lacks River; and so throughout the chapter

233 International Standard Version — 1Kings 17:3

3 “Leave here and go into hiding at the Wadi Cherith, where it enters the Jordan River. 17:3 i.e. a seasonal stream or river that channels water during rain seasons but is dry at other times 17:3 The Heb. lacks River; and so throughout the chapter

234 International Standard Version — 1Chronicles 9:17

17 The gatekeepers included Shallum, Akkub, Talmon, Ahiman, and other relatives. Shallum was the leader.9:17 The Heb. lacks included; and so throughout the chapter 9:17 The Heb. lacks other

235 International Standard Version — 1Chronicles 17:4

4 “Go tell David, my servant, ‘This is what the Lord says: “‘“You won’t be building a house for me to inhabit, will you?17:4 Lit. house; and so throughout the chapter

236 International Standard Version — 1Chronicles 17:16

16 Then King David went in, sat down in the presence of the LORD, and said: “Who am I, LORD God, and what is my household, since you have brought me to this?17:16 Lit. house, and so throughout the chapter

237 International Standard Version — 1Chronicles 26:17

… ),26:17 The Heb. lacks assigned; and so throughout the chapter 26:17 Lit. two and two