Search for: "new light"

221 The Signs of the Times April 27, 1891, paragraph 7

… a new light, and as you teach, your faith and works will agree. Those whom you instruct will receive ideas, which will be communicated to others, and they in turn …

222 The Signs of the Times October 29, 1894, paragraph 2

… a new light. The only way in which we will be prepared to have a more perfect apprehension of truth, is by keeping the heart tender and subdued by the Spirit of …

223 The Signs of the Times October 10, 1895, paragraph 9

… a new light, and the soul rejoices as in the visible presence of Christ.

224 The Signs of the Times December 5, 1895, paragraph 3

… received new light, as they enter into by-paths, as they repeat their own falsehoods, they come to look upon their theories as matters of importance. They deceive …

225 The Signs of the Times March 10, 1898, paragraph 9

… , the new light begins, and grows stronger and stronger until he is able to endure the seeing of Him who is invisible. And as man sees God, he becomes fashioned …

226 The Signs of the Times November 29, 1899, paragraph 7

… a new light. The work of the Redeemer in our behalf fills us with holy joy and peace, and we are constrained to go out and work for those who need help.

227 The Signs of the Times May 9, 1900, paragraph 10

… a new light. He saw how Mary was regarded by one who was indeed a prophet in every sense of the word. He saw that with keen prophetic eye Christ read her heart of …

228 The True Missionary January 1, 1874, paragraph 16

… , a new light shone upon their understanding, for angels were hovering over them and impressing their minds with the truths contained in the publications …

229 The West Michigan Herald October 26, 1904, paragraph 3

… student new light, new ideas, new gems of truth will constantly appear and be eagerly grasped, for it is impossible for any mind to comprehend all the richness …

230 The West Michigan Herald October 26, 1904, paragraph 8

… , a new light will shine upon every line of the word, and it will become the voice of God to the soul. Then the truth of God's word will be regarded with new interest …

231 The Youth’s Instructor January 19, 1893, paragraph 3

… a new light, and the sinner realizes that sin must be a tremendous evil to cost such a sacrifice to atone for it; for he hears that “God so loved the world, that he …

232 The Youth’s Instructor October 7, 1897, paragraph 4

… source, new light is constantly received by the Christian, showing yet more clearly the way to heaven. To those who will not see the light, who refuse to walk …

233 The Youth’s Instructor May 25, 1909, paragraph 11

… a new light shone out from the familiar words of the sacred text.

234 Manuscript Releases, vol. 1 [Nos. 19-96], p. 299.5 (Ellen Gould White)

… called new light in regard to the message of the third angel. This intelligent family have, through this delusion separated from the Seventh-day Adventist …

235 Manuscript Releases, vol. 1 [Nos. 19-96], p. 359.6 (Ellen Gould White)

… called new light in regard to the message of the third angel. This intelligent family have, through this delusion, separated from the Seventh-day Adventist …

236 Manuscript Releases, vol. 2 [Nos. 97-161], p. 133.2 (Ellen Gould White)

… a new light, and there was a unity in voting for the resolution not to be negligent in this, God's requirement. No man, it was stated, obliged another to pay tithes …

237 Manuscript Releases, vol. 2 [Nos. 97-161], p. 164.4 (Ellen Gould White)

… and new light. The Word of God has been presented in the demonstration of the Spirit and with power. The Lord has sent Professor Prescott to us not an empty vessel …

238 Manuscript Releases, vol. 3 [Nos. 162-209], p. 29.1 (Ellen Gould White)

… termed new light. We must beware, lest, under cover of searching for new truth, we allow Satan to divert our minds from Christ and the special truths for this …

239 Manuscript Releases, vol. 3 [Nos. 162-209], p. 58.2 (Ellen Gould White)

… as new light which other men have overlooked. “Of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them.”