Search for: Jehova*
23681 Facts for the Times, p. 71.6 (Merritt E. Cornell)
… of Jehovah. When such a scene meets our troubled vision, we cry, ‘Surely religion has been trodden in the streets, truth and righteousness lie bleeding in the …
23682 Facts for the Times, p. 85.9 (Merritt E. Cornell)
… of Jehovah.” Essay on the Sabbath, p 24.
23683 Both Sides, p. 4.1 (Roswell Fenner Cottrell)
… of Jehovah rolled down its base. God had descended upon it in awful grandeur, to speak in the ears of all the people the ten precepts of his holy law. These precepts …
23684 Both Sides, p. 13.1 (Roswell Fenner Cottrell)
… of Jehovah’s whole law of ten commandments, who can be so stubborn, as to refuse to keep the fourth, or any other commandments, because it is not given a second …
23685 Both Sides, p. 15.5 (Roswell Fenner Cottrell)
Though at the first, Jehovah blessed, And sanctified his day of rest: The same belief is sill expressed- “It’s Jewish.”
23686 Both Sides, p. 15.11 (Roswell Fenner Cottrell)
They love the Rest of man’s invention. But if Jehovah’s Day we mention. This puts an end to all contention- “It’s Jewish.” R. F. C.
23687 Mark of the Beast, And Seal of The Living God, p. 11.1 (Roswell Fenner Cottrell)
… of Jehovah. Has it worn out the saints of the Most High? Certainly; millions of the saints have fallen by that persecuting power. Has it thought to change the …
23688 Christ Our Righteousness, p. 115.4 (Arthur Grosvenor Daniells)
“As we near the close of time.... we should devote ourselves to the study of the plan of salvation, that we may have an appreciation of how highly Jehovah has valued the salvation of man.”- The Review and Herald, October 7, 1890 .
23689 Christ Our Righteousness, p. 116.5 (Arthur Grosvenor Daniells)
… of Jehovah.”- Christ’s Object Lessons, 312 .
23690 Views of Sanctification, p. 4.5 (Charles Fitch)
… Lord Jehovah is my strength and my song, He also is become my salvation,” and thus may they “with joy draw water out of the wells of salvation, and say praise the …
23691 Bible Handbook, p. 78.1 (Stephen Nelson Haskell)
… by Jehovah 6,000 years ago. The six inspired writers that mention it, call it by the same name,-the first day of the week. None allude to it as the holy rest day, while …
23692 The Cross and its Shadow, p. 22.4 (Stephen Nelson Haskell)
The heavenly sanctuary is the great power-house of Jehovah, whence all the help necessary to overcome every temptation of Satan is sent to each one who is connected with it by faith.
23693 The Cross and its Shadow, p. 34.4 (Stephen Nelson Haskell)
… to Jehovah, because there God had tested the faith of the man He honored by calling him His friend. James 2:23
23694 The Cross and its Shadow, p. 88.3 (Stephen Nelson Haskell)
… to Jehovah,” was fastened by a blue lace to the front of the white bonnet, or turban, worn by the priests. Exodus 28:36, 37
23695 The Cross and its Shadow, p. 200.1 (Stephen Nelson Haskell)
The sprinkled blood is speaking Before the Father’s throne, The Spirit’s power is seeking To make its virtues known; The sprinkled blood is telling Jehovah’s love to man, While heavenly harps are swelling Sweet notes to mercy’s plan.
23696 The Cross and its Shadow, p. 212.6 (Stephen Nelson Haskell)
… unto Jehovah as He took His seat upon the throne to judge the world. Ezekiel 10:1-22
23697 The Cross and its Shadow, p. 247.1 (Stephen Nelson Haskell)
… of Jehovah. Genesis 2:2, 3 Isaiah 58:13, 14; Exodus 20:8-11
23698 The Cross and its Shadow, p. 258.1 (Stephen Nelson Haskell)
In the early history of the world, provision was made for the punishment of the murderer. “Whoso sheddeth man’s blood, by man shall his blood be shed,” was the decree of Jehovah. Genesis 9:6 .
23699 The Cross and its Shadow, p. 290.4 (Stephen Nelson Haskell)
… of Jehovah. “They went after the gods of the people of the land whom God destroyed before them,” and we hear little more of the tribe of Reuben until Hazael, king …
23700 The Cross and its Shadow, p. 364.3 (Stephen Nelson Haskell)
… of Jehovah. Galatians 3:28 Romans 11:17-21; Galatians 3:29 Romans 11:21-23