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23261 Smith's Bible Dictionary, p. Jeho-iakim.2 (William Smith)

… ( whom Jehovah sets up ), called Eliakim, son of Josiah and king of Judah. After deposing Jehoahaz, Pharaoh-necho set Eliakim, his elder brother, upon the throne …

23262 Smith's Bible Dictionary, p. Jeho-iarib.2 (William Smith)

Jeho-i’arib ( whom Jehovah defends ), head of the first of the twenty-four courses of priests. 1 Chronicles 24:7 .

23263 Smith's Bible Dictionary, p. Jehonadab.2 (William Smith)

… ( whom Jehovah impels ) and Jon’adab, the son of Rechab, founder of the Rechabites, an Arab chief. When Jehu was advancing, after the slaughter of Betheked, on the …

23264 Smith's Bible Dictionary, p. Jehonathan.2 (William Smith)

Jehon’athan ( whom Jehovah gave ).

23265 Smith's Bible Dictionary, p. Jehoram.2 (William Smith)

Jeho’ram ( whom Jehovah has exalted ).

23266 Smith's Bible Dictionary, p. Jehoram.3 (William Smith)

… of Jehovah, through Elisha. After reproving Jehoram, Elisha, for Jehoshaphat’s sake, inquired of Jehovah, and received the promise of an abundant supply of …

23267 Smith's Bible Dictionary, p. Jehoshabe-ath.2 (William Smith)

Jehoshab’e-ath ( whose oath is Jehovah ). 2 Chronicles 22:11. [See JEHOSHEBA .]

23268 Smith's Bible Dictionary, p. Jehoshaphat.2 (William Smith)

Jehosh’aphat ( whom Jehovah judges ).

23269 Smith's Bible Dictionary, p. Jehoshaphat Valley of.2 (William Smith)

… , Jehovah would gather all the heathen, Joel 3:2, and would there sit to judge them for their misdeeds to Israel. ch. Joel 3:12. The scene of “Jehovah’s judgment …

23270 Smith's Bible Dictionary, p. Jehosheba.2 (William Smith)

Jehosh’eba ( Jehovah’s oath ), daughter of Joram king of Israel, and wife of Jehoiada the high priest. 2 Kings 11:2. Her name in the Chronicles is given Jehoshabeath …

23271 Smith's Bible Dictionary, p. Jehoshua.2 (William Smith)

Jehosh’ua ( whose help is Jehovah; help of Jehovah or saviour ). In this form is given the name of Joshua in Numbers 13:16. Once more only the name appears—as

23273 Smith's Bible Dictionary, p. Jehovah.2 (William Smith)

… of Jehovah, as understood by the Hebrews, no one has ventured to doubt. While Elohim exhibits God displayed in his power as the creator and governor of the physical …

23275 Smith's Bible Dictionary, p. Jehovah-jireh.2 (William Smith)

… -ji’reh ( Jehovah will see or provide ), the name given by Abraham to the place on which he had been commanded to offer Isaac, to commemorate the interposition …

23277 Smith's Bible Dictionary, p. Jehovah-nissi.2 (William Smith)

Jeho’vah-nis’si ( Jehovah my banner ), the name given by Moses to the altar which he built in commemoration of the discomfiture of the Amalekites. Exodus 17:15 .

23279 Smith's Bible Dictionary, p. Jehovah-shalom.2 (William Smith)

Jeho’vah-sha’lom ( Jehovah ( is ) peace ), or, with an ellipsis, “Jehovah the God of peace.” The altar erected by Gideon in Ophrah was so called in memory of the salutation addressed to him by the angel of Jehovah, “Peace be unto thee.” Judges 6:24 .

23280 Smith's Bible Dictionary, p. Jehozabad.2 (William Smith)

Jehoz’abad ( whom Jehovah gave ).