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2281 EGW Index, vols. 1-4 (Topical Index), Language (speech).55

Language (speech), choice and exact, Daniel and companions used ML 147; MYP 241; PK 485

2282 EGW Index, vols. 1-4 (Topical Index), Licentious habit, Licentious habits.3

Licentious habit, Licentious habits, society of person of, significance of choice of 5T 143

2283 EGW Index, vols. 1-4 (Topical Index), Life, Lives.908

Life, Lives, choice to lose or gain heaven shown in OHC 44:4

2284 EGW Index, vols. 1-4 (Topical Index), Life, Lives.1083

Life, Lives, choice of TMK 321:4

2285 EGW Index, vols. 1-4 (Topical Index), Literature.13

Literature, choice and preparation of, great care needed in 7T 150

2286 EGW Index, vols. 1-4 (Topical Index), Literature.101

Literature, choice of, youth should exercise greater care in MYP 85

2287 EGW Index, vols. 1-4 (Topical Index), Loyalty.43

Loyalty, choice to return, or to choose words of fallacy TDG 87:2

2288 EGW Index, vols. 1-4 (Topical Index), Man, Men.292

Man, Men, choice of, for positions of responsibility in God’s work 9T 264

2289 EGW Index, vols. 1-4 (Topical Index), Man, Men.627

Man, Men, without freedom of choice would be mere automaton PP 49

2290 EGW Index, vols. 1-4 (Topical Index), Marriage, Marriages.252

Marriage, Marriages, choice of companion for MH 359, 357-8; PP 174-5

2291 EGW Index, vols. 1-4 (Topical Index), Marriage, Marriages.514

Marriage, Marriages, forbidden choice of partner in LYL 84:1

2292 EGW Index, vols. 1-4 (Topical Index), Meekness.99

Meekness, ornament of God’s own choice SL 16

2293 EGW Index, vols. 1-4 (Topical Index), Mind, Minds.246

Mind, Minds, cultivated: choice of simple and appropriate clothing reveals CG 413; Ed 248; MYP 353

2294 EGW Index, vols. 1-4 (Topical Index), Mind, Minds.1245

Mind, Minds, by unwise choice of reading MYP 272

2295 EGW Index, vols. 1-4 (Topical Index), Mind, Minds.2184

Mind, Minds, choice of who will control OHC 319:4; TMK 228:3

2296 EGW Index, vols. 1-4 (Topical Index), Mind, Minds.2517

Mind, Minds, by good or bad angels depending on our choice OHC 15:5

2297 EGW Index, vols. 1-4 (Topical Index), Music.50

Music, choice of, God and SDA faith may be dishonored by 1T 506

2298 EGW Index, vols. 1-4 (Topical Index), Obedience.115

Obedience, would be forced if he were without freedom of choice PP 49

2299 EGW Index, vols. 1-4 (Topical Index), Obedience.190

Obedience, should be result of choice rather than compulsion Ed 290

2300 EGW Index, vols. 1-4 (Topical Index), Obedience.378

Obedience, choice of, to God or to humans UL 101:4