Search for: Jehova*

22661 Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary, p. 312.18 (Matthew Henry)

… of Jehovah—that he was many, whereas he is one and his name one,—that he was their God only, a local deity, peculiar to that nation, whereas he is the Creator and ruler …

22662 Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary, p. 314.6 (Matthew Henry)

… name Jehovah : He shall deliver it into the hand of the king; they stole the word from the true prophets ( Jeremiah 23:30 ) and spoke their language. To please Ahab …

22663 Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary, p. 331.16 (Matthew Henry)

… Lord Jehovah only, who had brought them up out of Egypt ( 2 Kings 17:36 ), that, having received his statutes and ordinances in writing, they should observe to do …

22664 Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary, p. 332.15 (Matthew Henry)

… if Jehovah, the God of Israel, should undertake to protect them from the king of Assyria, yet he was notable to do it. With this blasphemy he concluded his speech …

22665 Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary, p. 333.20 (Matthew Henry)

… ? Why, Jehovah-jireh—The Lord will provide. God’s blessing shall save them seed and labour, and, that year too, the voluntary productions of the earth shall serve …

22666 Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary, p. 337.16 (Matthew Henry)

… to Jehovah, for he had no design to make him renounce or forget the religion of his country. “All people will walk in the name of their God, and let him do so.” The king …

22667 Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary, p. 348.8 (Matthew Henry)

… is Jehovah, the mighty one on whom help is laid .

22668 Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary, p. 355.4 (Matthew Henry)

… is Jehovah, and through whom all blessings come to us.

22669 Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary, p. 356.11 (Matthew Henry)

… is Jehovah; for he will be a God to them, a God all-sufficient.

22670 Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary, p. 370.8 (Matthew Henry)

… worshipped Jehovah, the God of Israel (who was now known by that name to the neighbouring nations), as the God that made heaven and earth, and as the fountain of …

22671 Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary, p. 381.7 (Matthew Henry)

… God. Jehovah is our God, the God of our fathers, the God of Israel, who is able to protect us, and give us success. He is with us, for we are with him.” First, “At home in his …

22672 Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary, p. 390.4 (Matthew Henry)

… upon Jehovah, the God of their fathers, to be altogether such a one as these Baalim, and them to be as great and as good as he, nay, upon one account, more eligible …

22673 Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary, p. 400.6 (Matthew Henry)

… great Jehovah, the Maker of heaven and earth, with the dunghill gods of the nations, the work of men’s hands, and thought him no more able to deliver his worshippers …

22674 Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary, p. 401.5 (Matthew Henry)

… the Jehovah is the only living and true God: Then he knew (that is, he believed and considered) that the Lord he was God. He might have known it at a less expense if …

22675 Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary, p. 405.8 (Matthew Henry)

… of Jehovah (for so he calls him), the God of Israel, as the only living and true God, the God of heaven, who is the sovereign Lord and disposer of all the kingdoms of …

22676 Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary, p. 423.5 (Matthew Henry)

… art Jehovah alone, self-existent and independent; there is no God besides thee. 2. As the Creator of all things: Thou hast made heaven, earth, and seas, and all that …

22677 Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary, p. 438.34 (Matthew Henry)

… , for Jehovah-jireh—the Lord will provide. Some expositors, remembering that it was usual with the Jews to rend their clothes when they heard blasphemy, conjecture …

22678 Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary, p. 449.13 (Matthew Henry)

… name Jehovah is used here ( Job 12:9 ), and it is the only time that we meet with it in all the discourses between Job and his friends; for God was, in that age, more known …

22679 Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary, p. 475.2 (Matthew Henry)

… Lord, Jehovah, not a created angel, but the eternal Word himself, the second person in the blessed Trinity, for it is he by whom the worlds were made, and that was …

22680 Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary, p. 481.16 (Matthew Henry)

… what Jehovah said to him, by whose word all things were made and are governed. Christ here makes a tow-fold title to his kingdom:—1. A title by inheritance ( Psalms …