Search for: Jehova*

22601 Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary, p. 71.5 (Matthew Henry)

… worship, Jehovah, and him only ( Exodus 20:3 ): Thou shalt have no other gods before me. The Egyptians, and other neighbouring nations, had many gods, the creatures …

22602 Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary, p. 71.8 (Matthew Henry)

… Lord Jehovah, and thy God, am a jealous God, especially in things of this nature.” This intimates the care he has of his own institutions, his hatred of idolatry …

22603 Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary, p. 71.10 (Matthew Henry)

… taken Jehovah for their God, they would make mention of his name (for thus all people will walk every one in the name of his god ); this command gives a needful caution …

22604 Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary, p. 79.9 (Matthew Henry)

… of Jehovah. Aaron must hereby be reminded that God is holy, and that his priests must be holy. Holiness becomes his house and household. The high priest must …

22605 Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary, p. 83.11 (Matthew Henry)

… to Jehovah; for, brutish as they were, they did not imagine that this image was itself a god, nor did they design to terminate their adoration in the image, but …

22606 Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary, p. 85.7 (Matthew Henry)

… is Jehovah, the Lord, who has his being of himself, and is the fountain of all being, Jehovah-El, the Lord, the strong God, a God of almighty power himself, and the original …

22607 Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary, p. 85.11 (Matthew Henry)

… as Jehovah had now proclaimed himself to be. Let this God be our God for ever and ever.

22608 Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary, p. 109.2 (Matthew Henry)

… you.” Jehovah is the fountain of being, and therefore the fountain of power, whose we are, whom we are bound to serve, and who is able to punish all disobedience …

22609 Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary, p. 109.9 (Matthew Henry)

… to Jehovah; for to him they offered their cattle only, but to Moloch their children.

22610 Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary, p. 115.8 (Matthew Henry)

should be blasphemed; tell it not in Gath. It is a fond conceit of the superstitious Jews that his blasphemy was in pronouncing the name of Jehovah, which …

22611 Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary, p. 124.12 (Matthew Henry)

… name Jehovah is three times repeated in it, and (as the critics observe) each with a different accent in the original; the Jews themselves think there is some …

22612 Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary, p. 131.3 (Matthew Henry)

… name Jehovah and prefixing it to his name, which turned Hoshea into Jehoshua, to put an honour upon him, and to encourage him in this and all his future services …

22613 Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary, p. 140.10 (Matthew Henry)

… is Jehovah, my God. Note, Many call God theirs that are not his, not truly because not only his; they swear by the Lord, and by Malcham. See how respectfully he speaks …

22614 Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary, p. 141.24 (Matthew Henry)

… Moab, Jehovah the God of Israel would not, or could not, come hither to hinder the operation; or, Secondly, That, it being a place acceptable to his god, it would be …

22615 Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary, p. 158.14 (Matthew Henry)

… Lord Jehovah is the one and only living and true God. This they must know and consider, Deuteronomy 4:39. There are many things which we know, but are not the better …

22616 Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary, p. 160.4 (Matthew Henry)

… : that Jehovah our God is one Jehovah. (1.) That the God whom we serve is Jehovah, a Being infinitely and eternally perfect, self-existent, and self-sufficient. (2.) That …

22617 Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary, p. 160.6 (Matthew Henry)

… believe Jehovah to be God alone, and believe ourselves bound to love him with all our hearts .

22618 Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary, p. 168.5 (Matthew Henry)

… Lord Jehovah. So that, (1.) They are forbidden to deform or hurt their own bodies upon any account. Methinks this is like a parent’s change to his little children …

22619 Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary, p. 180.12 (Matthew Henry)

… Lord Jehovah to be thy God, thy Prince and Ruler. As he is so by an incontestable right, so he is by thy own consent.” They did this implicitly by their attendance …

22620 Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary, p. 182.8 (Matthew Henry)

… name Jehovah are without doubt the happiest people under the sun, even their enemies themselves being judges.” The favourites of Heaven are truly great, and …