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2181 The Signs of the Times October 24, 1906, paragraph 8
… of Jehovah, place themselves in the ranks of the enemies of Christ, and use their influence to destroy rather than to save souls. They second Satan in his efforts …
2182 The Signs of the Times November 20, 1907, paragraph 5
… of Jehovah concerning His people, there were uttered against the drunkard the following words:
2183 The Signs of the Times July 22, 1908, paragraph 10
… . As Jehovah is holy, He requires His people to be holy, pure, undefiled; for “without holiness no man shall see the Lord.” Those who worship Him in sincerity and truth …
2184 The Signs of the Times February 10, 1909, paragraph 8
… Christ. Jehovah Emmanuel—He “in whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge,” in whom dwells “all the fulness of the Godhead bodily”—to be brought into …
2185 The Signs of the Times April 14, 1909, paragraph 1
… life.” Jehovah did not deem the plan of salvation complete while invested only with His love. He has placed at His altar an Advocate clothed in our nature. As …
2186 The Signs of the Times August 11, 1909, paragraph 9
… of Jehovah.
2187 The Signs of the Times August 11, 1909, paragraph 11
… Lord Jehovah is everlasting strength.”
2188 The Signs of the Times February 22, 1910, paragraph 2
… of Jehovah, placing the first day of the week where the seventh should be. And the Protestant world has taken this child of the Papacy to be regarded as sacred …
2189 The Signs of the Times February 22, 1910, paragraph 3
… of Jehovah, making void the memorial of God,—the sign between Him and His commandment-keeping people,—setting it aside as a thing of naught, something to be despised …
2190 The Signs of the Times February 22, 1910, paragraph 11
… of Jehovah, “Verily My Sabbaths ye shall keep: for it is a sign between Me and you throughout your generations; that ye may know that I am the Lord that doth sanctify …
2191 The Signs of the Times April 12, 1910, paragraph 1
… am Jehovah, which exercise lovingkindness, judgment, and righteousness, in the earth; for in these things I delight, saith the Lord.”
2192 The Southern Watchman February 27, 1902, paragraph 2
… of Jehovah that he who accepts the truth is to make it his first work to proclaim to the world the message of mercy and warning.
2193 The Southern Watchman June 4, 1903, paragraph 3
… , insult Jehovah.
2194 The Southern Watchman February 9, 1904, paragraph 2
… represented Jehovah in the midst of a nation of idolaters. While the Israelites were on the way from Egypt to the promised land, they were a light to the surrounding …
2195 The Southern Watchman June 28, 1904, paragraph 3
… of Jehovah; and all through the religious world the false Sabbath is revered, while the true one is trampled beneath unholy feet. But will the Lord degrade …
2196 The Southern Watchman January 3, 1905, paragraph 7
In delivering his message of reproof, the prophet begins with the priests who were dishonoring God by their sinful course. As the mouthpiece of Jehovah, he declares:
2197 The Southern Watchman March 14, 1905, paragraph 13
… of Jehovah.
2198 The Watchman September 25, 1906, paragraph 7
… of Jehovah. He delights in their unworthiness. He has no intention that they shall obey the divine law, and has devices prepared for every soul, that all may …
2199 The Watchman February 5, 1907, paragraph 10
… infinity. Jehovah is the fountain of all wisdom, of all truth, of all knowledge. There are high attainments that man can reach in this life through the wisdom …
2200 The Watchman February 12, 1907, paragraph 7
… of Jehovah, disregard his holy law, disappoint his expectations in everything, and yet they feel that they are not the ones who will be punished at Christ's …